Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

This was mine and I’m relieved you liked it. The whole of their lesser known second album, Adventure (this is the opener) is a real grower, subtle end excellent.


Honestly, you are going to have a lot of trouble topping “Good Morning, Captain” in terms of impact. That hit a rare height for me, one of maybe a handful of songs a year I come across that completely floor me.

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I mean, some would tell you that I also missed the “gritty” part of my request, so don’t feel too bad :-)

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Just kidding ldo. I was quietly confident with my pick in this round, swanky even complemented my great choice. Clearly pyat is correct and seites is damaged goods.


Yeah as I said in the reveal, it’s a real testament to the selection that it was way, way out of my usual scope but still managed to deliver feels. It made me happy to have such an unexpected experience.

Yeah it wasn’t until I took a proper look at my nodium (and did some research on The Stooges) that I realized I essentially shat on three incredibly celebrated artist/s.

Maybe if they’d told me a bit more about what the word is I could have found a higher place for them…

Grit grit grit is the word.

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I didn’t know you were an Aussie, seities. Butterfly Effect was mine, as you may have guessed.

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Fave song of theirs is Before They Knew but I kind of think Gone is “objectively” a better song, I just happen to like Before They Knew for some reason.

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Yeah I did guess it was likely you ;-)

I left Aus about 4 years ago but as my post indicated I lived in Brisbane for some time.

Thanks for the submission. I really did add the entire Butterfly Effect discography to spotify and am working my way through them and figuring out which stuff I want to keep longer term.

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Updated scores for ya’ll.

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I’ve had a few beers, so it’s time for an inebriated listen to all of these songs. Will do a sober listen tomorrow and Sunday and hope to reveal either Sunday night or sometime Monday.


I can reveal Monday night US time if that suits, or any night thereafter.


Just gave everything a once over listen in a state of mild inebriation. Pretty sure I know my nodium. Not sure what won though.

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Hottest female lead singer ever except maybe Stevie Nicks.

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Sounds good. Maybe we have ChrisV do Monday US time, and eyebooger can do Sunday if ready, or Tuesday?

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Put me in for Tuesday then. Don’t want to 100% commit to it for Sunday and disappoint.


I’ve had a few listens now, hot competition for the nodium, and I’ve got my top 3 just haven’t got the order yet. I should be good to go for Wednesday, I should have cleared the planned drinking and outstanding work projects by then


Thanks Swanky!

Upcoming reveals:

Monday: ChrisV
Tuesday: eyebooger
Wednesday: SwankyWilder

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