Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

In 4th place with 10 points

Foxhole - Television

So first thing to mention is that the Spotify version of this is garbage quality, and as I used it for my listening I originally couldn’t find a higher position for this song despite feeling like there was more in it for me. But then I went to the Youtube version just to compare quality, and it was like listening to an almost different song.

I had said in my category post, songs from the last 30 years are generally going to have a much better chance of resonating with me, so extra kudos for disregarding my suggestion!

As you have no doubt noticed throughout this reveal I lack the ability to articulate the virtues I find in the entries as well as others in this contest. The best I do here is say that I was able to appreciate this for what it was bringing to the time when it was performed. There was an energy to the music which instantly connected me to the 70’s, and I couldn’t help but think of my Dad (who would have been in his 20’s at the time) as I listened to this. These feels are what nudged it ahead of Rats the day before the reveal.

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Oh wow, a podium. I liked this song but did not expect a top 3.

Epic combeack starts now!

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Im sure the 13 points you pick up in the next reveal will be enough to ease your pain…

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Yup it did. I tried to convey this in my reveal, but yeah it was completely the sort of thing I gravitate towards.

In 3rd place with 11 points

Honking Antelope - Serj Tankian

This was probably the most improved track of all the submissions. I listened to a bunch of SOAD through to around their Toxicity release but never kept track of them after that. Anyway, I think this track was a bit like a lot of their music in that it had some hooks but because of Serj’s somewhat unique voice and melody construction it just didn’t quite come together for me until I had listened 4 or 5 times. One it was all one cohesive song for me I found I was looking forward to it more and more with each run through the playlist and it kept rising through the ranks.

That’s mine

This is actually the version I like:

But I thought that one may be more accessible

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Wouldn’t it be great to heal the world, with only a song?

It’s a really great song man. I think I moved this further up the ranks each run through the playlist. Thanks for submitting it.

In 2nd place with 12 points

Gone - The Butterfly Effect


This one moved up quite a bit in my rankings over time and led to me running through the whole The Butterfly Effect discography. Having spend a good chunk of my life living in the area these guys are from I had heard a few of their earlier releases and liked them, but they never drew me in enough at the time to keep track of their further efforts, so this track was completely new to me.

Alt Metal is definitely a soft spot of mine, but what really works for me here is the soaring vocal melodies over the top. This was able to make me feel something and at the same time providing hooks that I had on loop in my head throughout the day.

A close-run second.

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And now we have our category winner. 1st place, with all 13 biscuits:

Vanity - Bad Religion

This one got dropped into first place right from the start and never moved from there (though it was very close)

I think a key reason is that I have gone on quite a punk/hardcore bender in recent years and as a result have grown quite partial to songs that come in, leave an impact, then wrap it up without dragging on at any point. This is quite an interesting thing to say given my predilection for prog metal….

Graffin’s vocals are on point, the backing vocals add some extra depth throughout, and it’s just a great burst of energy that doesn’t linger a second too long.

And with that I shall try to follow their lead and not drag this reveal out any further. Thanks to all for your submissions and for indulging my unqualified appraisals.


Oh, hell yeah! I’m glad you liked it, Seities. I was a little wary submitting a minute length song, but this one is perfect in my eyes for the category.


Ty sir! You nailed it.

It seems you are right that you broke your curse by doing your reveal yesterday :-)

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So many new melodic pop metal crap bands to hate from the last two reveals.

Grats Matt. Amazing that Bad Religion keeps making albums. At least they don’t suck.

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Thanks to all for your submissions, and apologies if I offended anyone. Everything was definitely meant to be light hearted.

I look forward to the rest of the reveals, and long live the Walrus!


I guess I blame myself as for some unknown reason I didn’t read your stipulations beyond the animal part, it was the last one I did so probably Walrus fatigue. However, it must be said that not liking Leonard Cohen is a sign of something very very wrong somewhere in your life. When you’ve a chance I’d definitely investigate if I were you. Other than that, thanks for the reveal!


Thankfully I didn’t notice the “gritty” part of seities’ description. I’d be ranting 10 times as much if I sent Stooges as a result and finish 10 places behind these super clean melodic/nu/alternative/progressive/whatever metal productions.


haha I figured it was you or jalfrezi because of what you said in the submission:

There hasn’t been enough Leonard Cohen in walrus, so here’s his best song. Well, one of them, the lad was a genius.

I think it was just about the opposite of what ranked first in terms of tempo. But, I also agree with your assessment that I am the one missing something here. His influence is a testament to that fact. Just caught me in a “fast and loud” phase of my life so it didn’t resonate at all.

Chances are, once I do go investigate more of his catalogue (and I will) I will properly appreciate the genius of the man and will have a different take on this particular song.

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No worries, you’ll get there!

For some reason the only thing that would come into my head was Polish doom metal lunatic Smolken, who is obsessed with wolves. E.g. This is him called Wolfmangler off an album called “Dwelling In A Dead Raven For The Glory Of Crucified Wolves”. I’m not that big a fan, I just love the wolf thing.

(I mean, you’d have hated this too, but it wouldn’t have done worse.)

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I am ashamed of my submission. (it was REM) I love REM, but I missed the “gritty” part of your request so now I feel like a dumbass.

I lost to Surfin’ Bird. This is a travesty.


Surfin Bird was mine and I stand behind it, a damn fine choice. I’ve always planned to have the PaPaOomowmow bit played at my funeral as the coffin rolls into the flames.

The Stooges so low was a travesty though