Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

lol i finished last in our ‘home game walrus’ with this song yesterday (this entry wasn’t me tho).

must fight urge to rant more.


Yeah I’m pretty sure the calibre of artists on my nodium means I should be hanging my head in disgrace…but it is my turn on the reveal rock, and thus I raise my head, let out a mighty belch, and press forward.

Ok from this point I enjoyed the submissions to varying degrees.

In 9th place with 5 points

Surfin Bird -Ramones

At first pass this was at the bottom of my list. I mean…it’s a cover, and there isn’t really much going on in the way of reimagining the song.

It also had to compete with the rousing rendition performed by Peter Griffin:

But here’s the thing…Bird is, indeed, the word. And sometimes I think we all need to be reminded of it. This song does a very good job of performing that particular function. So there’s that.

Also, it is a fun listen and I could definitely have this come on in a playlist and be happy for it.

I didn’t lose to Surfin’ Bird, so everything from here is gravy.


In 8th place, with 6 points

Something 4 the weekend - Super Furry Animals

For the most part I don’t have a clue what these guys are saying but I suspect I’m not missing much. They could have just sung the chorus for 3 minutes and I would have enjoyed it just the same. This is almost like a comfort song, and the chorus was definitely something that got stuck in my head.

Thats racist. And my pick, so i can now hate in peace.

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This was me. I thought you wanted “faster, harder, grittier”.

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That you can, good sir. That you can.

I did enjoy it, hence it getting stuck in my head quite a bit. It has a Chumbawumba kinda feel to it in that they don’t seem to be taking things too seriously, so it was some nice respite.

In 7th place with 7 points

Painless - Baby Animals

I love the groovy baseline that shines in the verses of this song, and I originally had it a bit higher in my list. It’s just that I found the choruses a bit bland and so as I repeatedly listened through the list I just looked forward to the repeat listens less as a result.

I also think Suze DeMarchi has a great voice. This song would have been a good entry for CanadaMatt’s category imo (though it was possibly the man himself who submitted this one?).

Oh boy, top half!


Yeah, definitely you were on the right track with ATDI. That particular song just didn’t get there for me but it was the right idea.

From here on the songs may well end up in my regular playlist.

In 6th place with 8 points

Your submission: Cavalera Conspiracy - Inflikted

Link to submission:

My assumption is that this one is from Mr Louis Cyphre, and I suspect that he is probably the one who I have the most overlap with in terms of stuff we listen to on the reg. This is pretty close to my wheelhouse, it just lost me a little when it gets to the parts outside the verses/chorus. Without that it likely would have made the podium, but that’s how tight things are from here.

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Aw, Geez

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In 5th place with 9 points

Rats - Ghost

I have never heard of this band, though it seems they have quite a following. This is just damn fun and has that unmistakeable nordic feel to it. I find this incredibly polished and when looked into Ghost a little more I found they had won numerous awards. Very unlucky not to podium with this entry. Sorry.

Wow I may podium

I don’t even remember my submission

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Claiming this one.

9 points isn’t bad.

Though it does hurt my average :stuck_out_tongue:


I thought for sure the last one would have been yours!

I’ve never really listened to Ghost; I should give them a try


Yup, that was obviously me. I thought it checked all the boxes

fast [x]
hard [x]
gritty [x]

Nothing from first to last place would have surprised me. As long as Eyebooger doesn’t win yet again yawn I am fine with this.

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