Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

Seeing as how Identity was my submission you’d have been wise to switch.

Haven’t listened to any of the entries here yet but I feel supremely confident that ours were two of the best.

Never mind. I forgot how badly I did in Matts previous walrus and should have gone for something a lot straighter this time.


I didn’t, and rode that to mid table mediocrity. Doesn’t really feel any better.

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The winner might have been a good fit for your walrus, though not in a good way.

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Haven’t listened to it yet but the title alone should merit a higher ranking.

Post-listen edit: her voice isn’t powerful enough for what she’s trying to do.

The song isn’t dependent on technique for its effect - it’s about spirit and invention (and humour).

Slating it for not having strong enough vocals is like slating an Impressionist painting for not being life-like.

At least know we can answer the question: What if Cindy Lauper never had a singing lesson?


If stadium-filling AM rock’s your thing, fair play to bands who crank out cliches like The Lion The Beast (seriously?) for the money, I guess.

This was the category I most looked forward to because I also have a penchant for female fronted rock. This is also the only category I did some research for and submitted something that wasn’t already in my collection. I didn’t want to submit something obvious like Halestorm and I thought metal bands like Epica were off-limits because you said:

Overall the bands I found were quite disappointing but Grace Potter stuck out to me. I haven’t yet had the time to work my way through their catalogue but will do that later.

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As some of you may have noticed, the winners so far have been:

So I think we can all agree that I am passing up a certain victory by doing my reveal today.

All I ask is that you pass word of my sacrifice down to future generations, and perhaps name one of your children after me.

The reveal starts in approx 2 hours.


Ok people, time to get your railing pants on. Paging those who haven’t “liked” the previous post yet:

@skydiver8 @Jalfrezi @Yuv @Nicholasp27 @ChrisV @miliboo @CanadaMatt3004 @suzzer99


It is time for the face-off.



Category host name: seities
Category: Animal. The artist name could be an animal. The title could be an animal. There could be the name of any animal in the track. The word “animal” itself also counts.
Musical tastes: I always find this difficult. But if I had leanings in any direction its probably faster/harder/grittier. Apply that loosely to rap/punk hardcore/rock/metal/EDM. With that said I have awarded the number one spot to songs which would be the opposite of that, so you are still totally in the running if you submit some catchy pop.
Any other judging notes: You are going to have a better chance if the track was from the last 30 years. I am going to mark down if the song is generally well known.

I’m interested to know if people found this an easy category or difficult to find tracks for? I thought it left things pretty open but perhaps it was trickier than I thought…

Oh! I actually like my submission for this one!

nodium avoidance one time dealer!

I see jalfrezi kindly “liked” my paging post. Which doesn’t make this any easier…

In 13th place, with 1 point

Bird on the Wire - Leonard Cohen

Turd on the fire.


No really, I can’t just leave it at that. I’m guessing this is Jalfrezi and he really does deserve better. I appreciate that this man is widely considered to be a musical genius, and “Hallelujah” should be one of the pieces of music they are beaming out to space. Also, Jalfrezi’s appreciation of art in general is something that resonates with me, and something he articulated better than I could here: Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread - #252 by Jalfrezi

It’s just that……I would rather hack off my own scrotum with a teaspoon than listen to this track one more time.

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This is probably the best way to describe the differences in how we experience music.
To me a teenager girl with braces who walk on stage in 1977 after Johnny Rotten and sing about how they want little girls to be pretty and quiet is a far more powerful voice than a power ballad.

/end rant.

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In 12th place with 2 points

The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonight - R.E.M.

R.E.M - appropriately named given their music generally puts me to sleep.

My feeling on R.E.M is that their best stuff really is “great”. I have some of it in my playlist. There is just a gaping chasm between their best and their bland. This one, for me, was just bland and I found myself feeling impatient when I listened to it.

In 11th place with 3 points

I wanna be your dog - The Stooges

Bad Stooges! BAD!

I found this rather one-paced and monotonous. I haven’t listened to a lot of The Stooges, but have an inkling this may be par for the course for them?

Anyway, I feel like I have now placed three influential/iconic artists on the nodium, which probably says enough about my qualifications as a judge. “It’s not you, it’s me” and all that…


The Nodium curse is broken!


In 10th place, with 4 points

Catacombs - At the Drive In

I don’t particularly enjoy this song, but I respect ATDI a lot, and really enjoy some of their other songs. They are just a very hit and miss band for me, and this particular song is more of a miss. With that said it made me feel something and got my attention. It’s the sort of song where I would hear it come on my Spotify radio and thing “I don’t like that song, but there is something there, and I might check out some more of their stuff”. I didn’t find it monotonous and that was enough to keep it off the nodium.

Well I’m still in this!

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