Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread

It was originally meant for Jalfreziā€™s category until I saw yours. I guess i made a bad switch. I legit think Poly Styrene was incredible.

I am nailing this thing.

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Alright, one more, then we can get to the better stuff.

In 8th place, scoring 5:

A to B by Gliss

This made me think of something you would have seen on the Pure Moods collection back in the 90s. Perfectly listenable and pleasant, but not a whole lot more to it. Technically rock, but its a stretch to call it much more than ā€œTechnicallyā€ rock.

Unoffensive and semi-listenable is about the best I can say for it. It can be on in the background while Iā€™m doing something else and Ill generally not even realized I listened to it.


Sounds like Le Tigre. Iā€™ve liked these first ones so far.

Ermā€¦ @CanadaMatt3004ā€¦I think there should be 13 entries?

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fack, really?

Hold up playa

Recall imo


Lol, youā€™re right. No worries, the one I was missing from my list would not have hit the bottom 5, so just bump everything back a place.


And I get 8th place while writing a post in response to the previous song.

Posting confirmed to curse you.



Avoided the ā€œgenerally did not like thisā€ section.

Excited to see where I land when I get back.


I will prolly like eyeā€™s entry the best myself based on his history

@Jalfrezi are you the other xray spex?

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Iā€™ve avoided my 10th place curse, so I feel ok now. Bring it on!

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And then I posted about it and got moved further down to 9th.


Alright lets move into the section called ā€œHey, remember the 90ā€™s? Cause these bands do!ā€

Luckily, I enjoy the 90s so these scored fairly well.

In the real 8th place, Scoring 6 points.

Gravity by The Superjesus

Damn it, when I saw ā€œThe Superjesusā€ I was REALLY hoping for something that would just blow me away.

I liked this, but it doesnā€™t live up to Superjesus. When I was listening to this, I could not stop hearing Like a Prayer by Madonna. Listen for it and let me know if you think Iā€™m crazy or not, but I swear there are parts that sound like they are directly lifted from it (sans the lyrics of course.)

Anyway, got off track there. This is good, I enjoyed it, but its the least of a pretty ok bunch coming up.


In 7th place, scoring 7 points -

Ship to Shore by Stars

This is less 90ā€™s than the others in this group, but this is where they had to go and I wanted some cohesion.

I like this a lot. Very toe tappy and easy to listen to, and the chorus is fun and memorable and easy to sing in your head as the day goes on. Not a ton to say otherwise. Nothing super inventive or interesting but it has that earwormness that I like in my songs.


5 minute break. Donā€™t fear the curse, talk amongst yourselves.

Iā€™m the median line, I guess. Ship to Shore is mine. Better than 10th!

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