Grab Bag Walrus - Reveal Thread


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yes! something to do while I wait for my ribs to smoke

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Smoke em if you got emā€¦ lets do this!

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Will only be around for the nodium, so probably wonā€™t hear my song.

Expecting to come back in later tonight and see another victory.


So yeah

Category host name: Canadamatt3004
Category: Female fronted rock groups
Musical tastes: Check out my prior Walrus for some ideas. I am looking mostly for non radio play singles, since I know most of that shit. Prefer more recent to older since itā€™s hard to find chick rock from the 60s and 70s Iā€™m not familiar with.
Any other judging notes: Sticking to rock for this category obviously. For sure there are some great groups fronted by females in other genres, but thatā€™s not what Iā€™m looking for here. Also female fronted doesnt mean the lead has to be solely female. If the band has a male singer as well thatā€™s fine but the lead vocals should be primarily female led.

Lets hear some chick rock, shall we?

I really hate putting this song in last place, but my god I could not get into it at all. I know what I should be feeling and what this should inspire in me and it just isnā€™t. I thought it would get more enjoyable on multiple listens, but it did not.

IN 12th place with 1 point - X-Ray Spex ā€œOh Bondage! Up Yours!ā€

If you like 70s/80s punk, click on it and try to rock out. I tend to, but this still didnā€™t hit with me.

Does this spell disaster for another entry down the line?

Only time will tell.


My favorite genre of music

Still not expecting to do well

chick rock or general punk?

Female fronted rock groups

omg teh REVEALZ!

I am guessing that first one was goatnitski, taking up his rightful place.

I thought the same.


I actually liked the song though.

In 11th place, scoring 2

Second Skin by Hugo Largo.

I wish I had more to say about this, but I really donā€™t.

Slow, plodding, pretty boring. If this was in my regular rotation, I would skip it the second I heard that monotonous bass line kick in unless I was in a VERY specific mood.

Listen to the first little bit and then imagine Reverend Lovejoy saying ā€œAnd it goes on like thisā€ because I canā€™t find the gif that would match it.


In 10th place, scoring 3

Daddy by Magic Dirt

Fucking hell, I am being really negative about these first few. I promise it gets better.

This is ear assault, and the lyrics are so hard to make out. The fact that this was released in 2020 is astounding to me. Its like if Nirvana and a vacuum cleaner had a baby. I didnā€™t get it at all. I had this at the bottom a number of times but was able to get enough out of it that I didnt immediately hate it every time it came up, but I didnt get far before that feeling emerged.


Got two more to go in the ā€œI generally did not like thisā€ category.

I promise, my podium is great and Iā€™ve added all three of those artists to my permanent playlist, but there were some dregs in this category.

Oh wow i did not expect to get last here :(

Nodium avoidance successful.


:( Sorry man, not sure if I just wasnā€™t in the mood or what, but I couldnā€™t get into it.

Speaking of seguesā€¦

Just wanna take a moment to congratulate you on avoiding the nodium, CanadaMatt3004.


In 9th place, scoring 4:

Hey look who it is.

Is this better than Oh Bondage! Up Yours!?


Is it MUCH better? No, it really isnā€™t. I almost put these two as a tie for how similar they are, but this one is better and more listenable than the three that came before, so putting it where it appropriately belongs.


First place, here I come. The ultimate comeback.

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