GOP insanity spinoff: UP interviews lagtight

Weird brag. Fwiw…

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I never really understood this one so you’re going to need to explain it to me

Like there are plenty of things conservatives say that make sense. Why yes, Bill Clinton is an old perv. Nancy Pelosi is out of touch. Lots of liberals are hypocrites. But this whole “LGBT are perverts (or pedophiles)” thing I’ve never figured out.

Lag can respond if he wants, but Homosexuality itself is perverse seemed pretty clear to me.

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They do the sex differently, therefore who knows what other crazy things they do in the bedroom. Only your imaginatiom can contain the perversion

Slippery slope to marrying dogs according to brainiacs like lagtight.


Right but I don’t get how. Surely there’s some sort of underlying attempt at logic if the Serious Conservatives believe it.

I thought I explained it pretty well. God only approves of PinV. He does not codone PinA

Does God double condone double vaginal and double not condone double anal?

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Inductive logic. Years where homosexuality was less tolerated were better than years where it was, in their view.

AKA when America was great.

It’s misdirection for their own sexual repression.

Since I don’t hate anyone, I’m neither a racist nor a bigot.

Thank you for clearing up that misunderstanding.

Why do you lie so much?

When and where have I ever advocated for Conversion Therapy? The closest I recall ever “advocating” CT is a time or two in the “other” forum when I mentioned that there were some documented cases of successful conversions.

Not sure how you can say that CT is “my” position.

I would like to encourage you to stop lying.

‘Psychological reductionism is the last refuge for someone without an argument.’ - Dennis Prager

Generally, to pervert something is to use it for a purpose for which it was not intended.

As a Bible Believer, I hold to the Biblical view that God intended all sexual interactions to be between two persons of the opposite sex.

By that standard, any other form of sexual interaction would be considered a perversion.

Hope that helps.

Doesn’t this kind of end all debate? You hold a world view in fundamental opposition to most of this forum. What do you all expect to come of this discussion?


Well I think I can speak for both sides here and say it’s pretty obvious what they want to come from the “discussion”…

  • Sneeringly insult immoral perverts from a position of perceived moral superiority
  • Dunk on smooth-brained simpleton who backwardly believes some dumb book

It’s pretty much a win-win situation for all involved!


I believe the debate has only just begun. Many folks enjoy engaging Bible Believers. That is what I expect.

Sorta kinda pretty much this.

Why should anyone care what you think since you’ve already shown yourself to have poor reasoning abilities because you believe in the bible? No point engaging with someone who has already closed their mind to independent thought. Here’s a fun idea, next time you read the bible why don’t you make a list of all the things you do that are forbidden in there?

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