GOP insanity containment thread 3: worse than strom thurman

Says her father was a slave

In a speech defending an anti-DEI bill

During Black History Month

At the NAACP



These motherfuckers are beyond shameless


@LFS , the vote ended up 67% yes. If you looked at any social media the last few weeks you would have absolutely been convinced that it would fail. The no voters were just super loud and basically left comments on every social media post that the school district posted. The yes voters aren’t nearly as unhinged and don’t have the need to comment on every post that you should vote for the Levy.

I’m learning that volume on social media and I’m person does not equate to actual numbers.

Hope that holds true for the presidential election.


I’ve been thinking something similar lately about signal vs noise. Trump and right wingers are great with noise, not so good with signal.

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Same. :crossed_fingers:

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There was a levy vote in Nov where @spidercrab was sure it was going down in flames due to social media.

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Is she wearing a watch around her neck?

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Yeah it looks like a cartier. Haven’t seen one of those since flava-flav

1 in 5 Americans are idiots

It’s more than that.


Pretty sure it’s been cited on here before, but George Carlin once said, “think about how stupid the average person is and consider that half of people are dumber than that”

It’s more likely that 4 of 5 Americans are idiots.


Not clear that Carlin is correct there without more info imo. If the stupidity distribution is left skewed, it is very possible that most people are stupider then average.


4/5 of americans believe a magical man in the sky created the earth and all the animals about 5000 years ago.

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Yes but I bet half are dumber than the median.

I’ll take the under cause I like to gamble.


Remember that part of the liberal push for voting rights was strategic because GOP voters were considered reliable. As a liberal that maybe doesn’t reflect well on me, but updating beliefs with new information is a good thing.

Even if you want to look at it as a purely strategic matter, I think R’s overall are probably better at drafting voting restrictions in a way that is biased towards their specific voting coalition (whatever it is). So instead of relying on Dems to execute a targeted strategy well, I’d rather just make it easy for everyone and let the chips fall where they may.

I’m not in favor of limiting voting, because it’s wrong.


The responses in that thread are incredible.

“Hey, you conspiracy theory peddling weirdos are chasing away any sane R voter. You should probably stop doing that.”

“Yes, but have you considered that we are the last line of defense against deep state pedophiles looking to trans our kids and flood the country with MS13 fentanyl mules?”