GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Which socialists aren’t?

No one said anything about taking care of the babies you’re popping out. That would be socialist.

Not saying anything anyone here doesn’t know, but obviously socialism for white people is right in their wheelhouse you just can’t call it socialism.

ChatGPT is maga!



Big families means women don’t think learn or vote.

I don’t even know what to say.

Please tell me fake please tell me fake please tell me fake

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I don’t see it on his webpage, so pretty confident it’s fake.

I did have to look it up to convince myself though, and even now I’m not 100% sure.


It’s not this.

It’s that there is more than one reason for the propaganda to have children.

There is an axis on which fascists are related to socialists. As Marx used the term “Scientific Socialism” it was about how society could be engineered. And, indeed, at times, the Soviets did do propaganda aimed at increasing birth rates because they thought that was needed for society. However, as you point out, they were much more pro-gender-equality and at the same time they were doing propaganda for more children (as most countries were doing at the time) they, unlike most countries, had legal abortion and birth control.

This points to the distinction between the fascists and socialists reasons for promoting nuclear families with many children. The fascists reasons and propaganda were often about things like traditional family values and the place of women in the home, which is like this Trad Wife thing that I assume JD Vance is into.

All the statists, whether they are socialists, fascists, or liberals are socialist in the sense that they think the state should be doing some directing of people’s lives for reasons like avoiding too much population growth or decline.

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I’m not saying any of them aren’t. I’m saying that I’m talking about socialists as Trump is thinking of them when he posts a meme with kamala giving a speech with a big hammer and sickle floating above the arena

that’s the joke

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There are probably people at conservative think tanks helping push these things because they see men tend more to vote Republican. It would be reminiscent of this:

well I think Vance would say women should get a vote, just that their husband or father gets to cast it for them

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Not that Trump would directly say this, but some of his supporters could also sayvabortion rights are “socialist” and make a sort of slippery slope argument from, abortion is legal to the Chinese one child policy.

Abortion is also like the war on drugs and immigration in that people just pretend like things were never any different, I guess because it was before they were born. But, like laws against drugs and immigration, there was very little legal restriction on abortion before the late 19th century. Some of the laws started earlier in the century, but abortion was widely legal until after the Comstock Act of 1873. In far more authoritarian Europe (at the time) the anti-abortion laws started earlier.

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In 2024, it absolutely does not have to mean that.

The current pope wrote an encyclical on climate change and supports UBI.

JD’s whole shtick is Great Replacement Theory: crank out as many white kids as you can and throw out immigrants. He campaigned on this in Ohio. The problem is that if you aren’t online enough to recognize the dogwhistles he’s using it just seems super weird to go on about fertility and sperms and whatnot.

please tell me it’s real please tell me it’s real please tell me it’s real


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