GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

it doesn’t HAVE to mean that but the people we’re talking about WANT it to mean that

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Yeah, this.

Aside from mass immigration, the most striking demographic development of the past decade is the large cohort of American women who have embraced the helping hand of the state in place of the increasingly suspect protections of fathers, brothers, boyfriends and husbands. In doing so, they have become the Democratic Party’s most enthusiastic and decisive constituency. According to a recent Pew survey, these Brides Of The State (BOTS) support Democrats over Republicans by a whopping 72-24%.

Is really that hard to say single women?

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Brides of the state, lol

Because women have to marry something otherwise what’s the point of their existence


Does “The State” have a gender? B/c if the State is male, I need to reevaluate some stuff…


‘ship of state’ so…female?

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Please please please go

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Very popular with US pedophiles I hear (see Ukraine thread).

The acroymn is BOTS, you know, mindless drones. It’s like Inception of misogyny

Putin figured out one weird trick to boost the number of dumb young males he can conscript to fight in his misguided Ukraine adventures.

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Aside from the scarf, he is like the least left coded guy there is



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I’m fine with a stateless society or a maleless society, so that means… well that could mean it is or isn’t male

Wasn’t there a family a couple years ago who tried to very publicly move to Russia because they believed tradition and fascism = freedom or whatever

And like the entire saga was them just hilariously getting smacked in the face

Except they had kids so that part wasn’t funny

Like I think they even waited months of Russia not even letting them in. Or something

Anyone know what I’m talking about? They were liveblogging their struggle to emigrate to Russia

I relayed your post to ChatGPT:

You’re referring to the Feenstra family from Canada, who made headlines after deciding to move to Russia in an effort to escape what they saw as the “woke” and LGBTQ+ culture in their home country.
However, their journey quickly turned into a struggle. They faced severe language barriers, financial issues with frozen bank accounts, and visa complications. After a frustrated rant about Russia, they were pressured to remove their video by authorities. Despite the challenges, the family initially insisted they would stay, though their hardships highlighted the stark reality of their decision, especially for their children, who had no choice in the move​ (The Mirror)​ (Everyday Blog).


8 kids?

that was the least surprising thing, only nutcases would try this so of course it’s some quiverful dipshit

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You, too, are invited to join the Russian military and die gloriously as cannon meat marching towards a Ukrainian artillery position.