GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Its free but most likely barely edible.

The only thing worse than racism against whites is being called a racist.

Look what they did to my boy


Nah, she gets to be called a racist!

Ok what

All I can think of is they’re like “they want to call us weird, we’ll SHOW them weird!” in some sort of meta embrace of weirdness? But in doing so they only became more weird.

I asked ChatGPT:

The use of a sperm donation container labeled with J.D. Vance’s name suggests a satirical or exaggerated focus on traditional family values and masculinity. This could be interpreted as a way for Trump and Vance supporters to humorously or provocatively emphasize Vance’s role in the preservation and propagation of these values. The container serves as a symbolic statement about Vance’s commitment to traditional family structures, potentially playing into the broader narrative of preserving American values in the face of perceived cultural decline.


isn’t this obsession with creating big families sort of … socialist? Like it’s your obligation to make the society stronger?

But don’t they think IVF and jacking off are deadly sins?

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No, it’s fascist

Like there’s no need to gotcha them with a terrible definition of socialism, because it’s just explicitly fascism



It’s National Socialist


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they all look the same to me


I think it would more correctly be classified as “postliberal”. It’s a reactionary concept that throws aside the previously conservative idea that each individual should pursue life as they see fit without regard for the collective.

They don’t like that this has ultimately resulted in women in big cities getting an education, earning income and going to brunch on Sundays rather than popping out four kids.

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Yeah, this is what created fascism a century ago. There’s no need to redefine things


yeah OK this is getting where I’m going. it’s definitely not “socialist” in the sense that boomers or genXers would recognize the term. Traditional socialists are obviously way more pro-gender-equality

regardless of the lable, it’s very contrary to the trump-type tough guy individualist vision of “real america”

I mean, the beating your wife and keeping her barefoot and pregnant part isn’t, but the “we’re gonna tax you back to the stone age if you don’t produce christian soldiers for our jihad” part is

even trump has admitted this, right? he sort of distanced himself from JD’s ideas in an interview after he picked him, like “oh yeah you know JD, he’s very popular with the big family weirdos”

anyway, thanks for coming to my ted talk entitled “horseshoe theory is real”