GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Yeah it’s clearly just a saying (and probably should be something like “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is a sure sign of insanity” but it doesn’t sound as pithy I guess) but many people are dumb and literal.

That crowd is not exactly full of big believers in the importance of textbooks.

He just should said, if you say and do racist things then you ARE a racist. You don’t like that then go pray on it or whatever you have to do a to stop being a racist.

I’m so fucking tired of all the effort put into…. Not calling a spade a spade (which I cringe every time I hear that, sometimes out of my own mouth).

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You don’t have to even get into this, you just say that you don’t have determine if a person is a racist to talk about if the ideas they spread, the words they use, or the actions they take are racist. When you engage them in the debate about whether the whole of a person is racist, that is in their comfort zone because it allows them to avoid talking about the obviously racist ideas that they are spreading and access their emotion triggering tool box (“How dare you call me a racist!”).

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Not yet, but if a dog ever gets between her and a camera, look out.


No tattoo shaming

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But beneath all the con-artistry and backbiting, it’s actually grown more coherent. In fact, the three flanks of post-Trump conservatism make the most sense when grouped together, and less sense piecemeal.

They just happen to congeal into something monstrous. A program of ethno-nationalist nativism.

The new three-legged stool, as the old one, unites Christian fundamentalists and Randian economic fanatics. But it swaps out national-defense conservatism for anti-immigrant conservatism.

But whereas an adherent of the old three-legged stool looks like Romney—awkward, austere, politically obsolete—the new GOP looks like JD Vance, if not significantly more menacing. There is a fully formed ideology that inheres all three prongs, and you can find it in Viktor Orban’s Hungary or in various neofascist manifestos that circulate among Vance and other Trump loyalists.

Republicans only trip over themselves trying to justify individual facets of the new agenda. The religious fundamentalists will argue that abortion is murder, but they’ll also claim to believe abortion is inimical to prosperity. We can’t survive if our number shrink or we reproduce below replacement rate, and thus don’t have enough workers to care for our elders.

Liberals and progressives know how to resolve this dilemma without getting weird. We could make legal immigration easier. In recognition of the significant costs of child-rearing, we could also bolster financial inducements to people who want to form families.

Today’s Republicans overwhelmingly say no to both of those ideas. They have repeatedly blocked efforts to help parents afford children. They want to expel immigrants from the country, and make legal immigration much harder, if not impossible.

It would not be hard, at least in theory, for Republicans to modify these positions into something much less bleak. A center-right party that truly stood for orderly immigration (as opposed to immigrant hatred) and wanted to nurture families could dial back the austerity and the xenophobia. A party that supported humanitarian border security, skilled immigration, and a safety net for families would be hard for liberals to defeat.

But they don’t want that. The propulsive intellectual forces of the new GOP reject ideas that foster pluralism. They don’t want to advance American society with “somebody else’s babies” and they don’t want to encourage the wrong kinds of Americans to breed. They share pamphlets and self-published material from psudonymous fascists like Bronze Age Pervert who fixate, as Politico noted several years ago, “on population genetics and [have] a high affinity for Slavic and northern European cultures.” Who “oppose mass migration, echoing the themes of the ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory invoked by the gunman who perpetrated the Christchurch, New Zealand, massacre, and apparently again by the El Paso shooter.”

They want the whole package, all three legs of the stool. These ideas sum, in their minds, to blood-soil nationalism under the law, and a secure future for white children. When Vance says things like child rearing is “the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female,” we hear strangeness. Cultural cacophony. They hear a patron saint.

RIP GOP, Long live the new GOP


She looks great, ngl

Texas’s campaign against groups that help immigrants continues. I swear Paxton is specifically using laws that favored non profits get to flout with impunity.

I know it’s not the same law but no one would ever dare to bring a suit against a church pastor in Texas for pushing a political agenda

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s latest lawsuit against an immigrants’ rights organization claims the Houston group violated federal rules that govern nonprofits’ political involvement by criticizing former President Donald Trump, Republican Gov. Greg Abbott and a new state immigration law.

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Top-tier nickname


Their brains are breaking.

Lmfao that twitter lady used to pretend to be leftist

Wild world we live in

“please don’t put in the news paper that I got disturbed on a fundamental level”


((nasally voiced Ivy League regulatory lawyers))

jesus christ just fucking say it you goddamn cowards, you’ll feel so much better


Why does the dem equivocate and soft pedal. So annoying. Just say yes you are a complete racist and not a subtle one.


He’s old. Lot’s of old Dems STILL think that they need to be The Adults In The Room.

If he calls her racist, then she gets to become the victim.

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