GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

I didn’t research this, but my guess is Republicans wanted it on primary day rather than general, under the assumption that GOP turnout is relatively higher in primaries. It’s the type of bullshit they do constantly

This just gets weirder and weirder.

Oh I’m sure the GOP loves it on primary day. But at least in Michigan statewide ballot initiatives are only ever on election day every 2 years.

I saw that too. But it was a swastika.


You couldn’t ask millions of people what the last line of that tweet will be and nobody would ever get close.

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Not gonna watch that, but did the angel direct the bullet into Corey?

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They’re so deep into their own shit, even the Breitbart guy was like “uhh, no, don’t know what you’re talking about.”

jfc holy shit


What a fucking psycho. Thats the dog killer, right?

No that’s Kristi Noem.

More of this please. Lol MAGA, you’re a sucker if you vote in this rigged system. The only way to win is not to vote, then underpants gnomes will bring everything we want.

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Why are so many of these videos shot in their cars?

Deep down they know they sound insane so they don’t want anybody around who can hear them filming.

Side note: how did it become accepted that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results”? Cause that’s not the definition, but if you ask 100 people what the definition of insanity it probably 90 give that exact quote.

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They think the government can track them through video and if they shoot in their homes, that will make it easier to arrest them for their thought crimes

And they’ll just keep giving you that same definition over and over.


Do people actually think that’s the definition? If you asked me I might respond the same way, but only because I am also familiar with the quote and assume you’re asking me to finish it

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Yea I’m pretty sure that idiot in her car truly thinks thats the textbook definition.

Ngl I didn’t watch it