GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

He’s probably committing war crimes in hell.

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There’s a guy named Steve Orlando in the University of Florida Comms Dept?

That’s 100% a Money Laundering Scheme


Worms currently eating the rotten flesh of the first one. Second one, despite having loads and loads of rotting flesh to eat, is now down to just the racist dusty bones.

They got that from a list sorted by last name, it’s actually Orlando Steve.

I can’t believe Sasse had an aide named Sass.

That card is a prop from The Handmaid’s Tale, right?


Is that a toe or a toe thumb?

who the fuck is this weirdo




Get fucked

Voters in Wisconsin opted to reject a pair of obscure amendments to the state constitution that appeared on their ballots on Tuesday night in an attempt to limit the governor’s powers.

The New York Times called both initiatives, Question 1 and Question 2, late Tuesday night. As of 11 p.m. CST, voters rejected Question 1 (the “Prohibit Legislature from Delegating Appropriations Power Amendment”) by a count of 43%-57%. Question 2 (the “Require Legislative Approval for State Expenditure of Federal Funds Amendment”) was losing by the same percentages.

These initiatives were aimed at limiting the governor’s power to wield federal funding during emergencies without the authority of the state legislature. The questions were written by the GOP-controlled legislature, which has been at odds with Democratic Gov. Tony Evers (D) since he took office in 2018.


My wife got involved with a charity - End 68 Hours of Hunger - they’re mostly in New England but there are some chapters spread out in other states. The 68 Hours is the amount of time between Friday Lunch at school and Monday breakfast. They pack bags of food every week - shelf stable, kid-friendly stuff that a kid can eat or put together with limited supervision. Kids are given the bags when the leave on Friday.

We go and fill bags for them and unload delivery boxes, it’s the best hour of the week.

Please don’t ruin this for me by telling me it’s actually some cult behind it all.


I think the most eye opening thing for me about the covid days was that our local school district was way more concerned with how kids were going to eat with schools closed rather than with how to educate kids with the schools closed. Really opened my eyes on how many families rely on free school breakfast/lunch to make sure their kids are getting fed.


What are you, some kind of fucking socialist?

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I didn’t make that vote, but will be voting for the first time this year as a WI resident. I hope we can flip the state legislature now that it has been redistricted, but that is probably too optimistic.


This was just a primary and most Democrats were unopposed. E.g. Tammy Baldwin. But we went out specifically to vote on those two bullshit amendments.

The Wisconsin GOP legislature is the worst. Once Tony Evers was elected they started trying to downsize his power all over the place. Bunch of giant asshole babies

Based on anecdata, turnout was high. Our polling place was packed. Headlines seem to bear this out. AP: “Turnout in Wisconsin election tops 26%, highest in 60 years for fall primary in presidential year”. Sad that 26% is high, but it is just a primary

I am cautiously optimistic for November

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It’s incredible that binding resolutions or amendments are part of the primary election date.