GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

trump is inherently pro-scam and has his own NFTs, actual results are irrelevant

Permanently, you say?


What the fuck

The right (and a lot of liberals) really really don’t want the USA to stop being majority white. The USA is where California was in the Prop. 187 days.

Prop 187 was in 1994, this is California

ChrisV had a good post that I remembered after you posted the name.

Saw this as well

lol. What a weirdo


The point of being an ideological pundit is to persuade people that the ideology doesn’t bite, that people should open their minds to it. By contrast, to operationalize these ideas, Vance had to run it through Trump’s GOP, where it naturally accreted this abusive hue.

Vance’s other thought leaders are fascists and protofascists. Some of them, like Trump himself, are hedonists and charlatans. Others are Christian nationalists who want to use Trump as a vessel for creating a society of control. Vance is, at the same time, a financial subsidiary of Peter Thiel and a vessel in his own right for greedy, hateful men like Elon Musk and David Sacks. That’s a bad formula. The money men expect the second Trump tax cuts to be just as regressive as the first, and to paper over the backlash with various forms of bigotry, leaving us right where we started with Trump 1.0. But this time, post-Dobbs, the religious right won’t be a junior partner, and it won’t bother with pieties like Mike Pence did.

If Reformicon Inc. was always just a Trojan horse for Christian supremacy (and for many it was) then the prospect of a Trump-Vance administration smells like success. But taken at face value, the reformers’ failure to actually reform their party looms large. There will again be tax cuts. There will again be no money for working families. There will again, instead, be racial and sexual scapegoats. But this time around there won’t even be a pretense that right-wing moral strictures should apply across the board.

Trump—a thrice-married sex abuser, libertine, and absentee father—has violated all of them. The ideology has drifted in practice if not in text to one that imposes strict rules of control on women and none on men. Childless women are “cat ladies,” childless men are… what? Based?

Women should resign themselves to abusive marriages, without a word of condemnation or accountability for the men who abuse them. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll for men like Elon Musk and Don Jr., menstrual police for any women they might impregnate.

Medieval policy, imposed with maximum contempt. Demanding police power over women’s reproductive organs, while being a complete asshole about it. That’s why it’s generating such a furious backlash.

child porn scandal

GOP delivers.


john lee [on the phone] : yeah i heard the RNC has some kind of young gun program, now how can i be a part of that?




Do your research. Post birth abortion is real
In California.

Maybe we should start calling school shootings post-birth abortions and then they’ll give a shit.




Jfc, retire man. You can be racist as much as you please at that age. Go yell at mexicans in the park or something.


Strom Thurmond was re-elected to a six year senate term in 1996. He would turn 94 one month later and stay in the seat until he turned 100.

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Right on the pulse of modern America as always.