GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Before the Dionysus bit there was a tableau some felt was reminiscent of the Last Supper:

I originally thought she was supposed to be the statue of Liberty.

Not to mention the whole menage a trois scene between the androgenous throuple.

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Most Americans didn’t see that apparently unless they watched the live version during the day.

I love the idea of conservatives “boycotting the Olympics” to really hit em in the pocketbook!

Several Latinos on my FB who don’t normally post any politics are pissed about the Last Supper thing. Hopefully still not voting Trump.

I swear so many Latinos are just there for the taking if Republicans could ever stop going full racist.

What would they campaign on if they weren’t racist?

Trans stuff, Christian persecution. A lot of Latinos are right there with them on that.

Yeah, I guess that’s true…I was concentrating on the racism side and forgot they would still have the bigotry side to fall back on.

I assume that many of the Republican Latinos are hateful Catholics who’ll do anything to be treated as “white.”

Sort of like the 21st Century edition of early 20th Century Italian immigrants?

IME it can depend a lot on where their historical roots are and the reasons they/their family came to the US. If you were well off and your family wealth got wiped out by a left-wing government, wouldn’t you naturally have some affinity for the more conservative party?

The FB posters who were upset about the Last Supper aren’t hateful, two of the nicest people I know in fact, and I don’t think care about being treated as white

They’re just low info politically and socially conservative (like a lot of 1st generation immigrants).

They would have to tack to the middle on social issues in order to attract middle class women and gay people. Which is what conservatives do in all other developed economies.

I.e. there isn’t a “go hard after gay folks” platform that wins elections without the racism.

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I just ran into an old friend of mine, who’s very bright and has always been left leaning. He thinks Kamala will probably lose because she hasn’t done anything to reach out to the crypto crowd like him. I guess she didn’t attend some large crypto conference this week. “There’s 80 million of us!”.

People are so ridiculous.

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This is the second instance I have seen today of crypto bros feeling ignored. Their delulu is amazing.


The thing I keep coming back to regarding the Christian outrage about the Olympics is that even if it WAS a depiction of the Last Supper, it was a depiction of a PAINTING. We’re talking about a painting. Not the “word of god.” Not the “word of god.” A painting.


It’s almost like they’re looking for things to be offended about and feel victimized by.


They’ve seen a Trump term and a Biden/Harris term. Which one was better for their crypto? Not into it myself, but I’m wondering why they can’t make some assumptions based on past history.

Probably because they hate women

That’s always in play, but I would also assume that crypto bros are going to feel like an environment of deregulation and veneration of absolute bullshit is their natural environment to thrive. And a Trump Presidency is an environment of deregulation and absolute bullshit.

Because Dems are so prone to tripping over their own feet, we sometimes forget that they are (basically by default) the party of actual technocratic expertise. Crypto bros (and tech bros in general) do not like people that ask pesky questions like “does your idea actually work in the real world?”