GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

The only real move for the Dems here is to keep repeating “we had the strongest immigration bill ever ready to go and Trump torpedoed it to help his campaign”. Don’t fall into the trap Biden did and use terminology like “illegals” to try to speak Republican, just keep saying you would have enacted tough legislation and move on to their other weird shit like you said.


One of the times I was a background extra, I was eating lunch, just having nice chats with other random extras, when one dude next to me said that Obama is a Muslim. I did a little head tilt and just said, with a disappointed, condescending tone, “Really?”

He started to explain himself, but I cut him off with another, “Really?”

He gave up.


A few weeks back i was at the lake w a group of friends. It was a gorgeous day, lots of people out. We were grilling, swimming, drinking some wine. My friend started chatting w some guy from.another group and invited him over. A perfectly normal social interaction ensued.

And then during a pause, he says, “you guys arent gonna want to talk to me after i say this, but I’m a big Trumper.”

And … no one wanted to talk to him. Bc wtf dude. That came out of nowhere. … everyone basically started ignoring him. I chatted with him a few more.minutes bc i care a lot about awkward people not feeling pushed out. But. Wow. So weird.

What posseses someone to say something like that? I felt sad for this guy. Trump is so much his identity, i guess, that’s all he can talk about? He was a nice fellow but truly, truly, it’s a cult.

Gotta just take this tack with them:


My guess is that he’s always been a pretty awkward dude and at some point most conversations go bad for him. So instead of waiting for that, he just declares he’s a Trumper and that way can blame his lack of social interactions on TDS rather than acknowledging he’s an awkward dude.


He was probably hoping some or all of you would confess that you are Trumpers too, and then he’d have a bunch of new friends. I have to fight the urge to call Republican friends and ask them wtf they’re thinking. And I wonder if I’ve given off a vibe that I don’t respect them nearly as much as I used to.

I actually read this whole thing for some deranged reason. The racism stuff is the same old tired crap they’ve been trotting out for 100s of years.

But some of the patriarchy/misogynist stuff was new to me. Gives an idea of where the Vance/Thiel wing of the party gets their ideas. Because you know that’s exactly how they talk behind closed doors.

I dunno sounds like you got pretty owned here?

You thought you could have a normal discussion with this dude instead of leading with some bullshit bad faith own yourself and you walked right into this buzz saw.

He’s probably posting how he destroyed some liberal on bizzaro conservative unstuck right now.


He probably had a read that >0 of you were Trumpers also. Obviously a shitty read, but you can’t really expect anyone pro-Trump to be the most astute judge of of anything involving people.


Oh it’s a lock that I’m going to get mentioned in a sermon of his.

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“I wish people like you cared as much about THE BABIES after they are born.”

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“I do! big sincere smile We’ve adopted 2 so far, how many children in need have you welcomed to your flock?”

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He sounds pissed, royally pissed

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Think this question is better here than the Olympics thread. A lot of chatter on my nutjob social feeds about the “woke” opening ceremony. I can’t find a full video of them. Someone want to catch me up on the controversy?

This is basically what they’re mad about

I mean the guy on the left could do without his bollocks hanging out I guess.


It’s Dionysius, but religious people have decided it was Jesus and the Last Supper.

It’s something they a) don’t understand and/or b) don’t like, so it’s Satanic.


Well there is the halo thing behind the woman in the middle.