GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman


Voted oust because even if we get a worse speaker, causing chaos in the Republican party is probably a net gain long term. Especially if I donā€™t see any compromise bills on the horizon.

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Some Republicanā€™s are getting salty because they assume people think good thoughts about Democrats when they hear the word ā€œDemocracyā€ so they are trying to get rid of it. I wish it was more complicated than thatā€¦


Somehow, restoring the names 4 years later feels worse than if they had never been changed.


Grunching, but a dog killing chickens is really not an indication that it will attack a human child. Chickens very easily fall into the category of something to chase and kill for most dogs. And most dogs know very clearly that humans arenā€™t in that category.


Not when theyā€™re raised by white trash like the Noems.

IIRC, she claims the dog tried to bite her after the chicken incident and also had a history of biting or trying to bite people.

Thatā€™s just what you say after murdering a dog.


Well she said that after she shot the dog. And tried? Biting isnā€™t that hard for a dog, so, no, it didnā€™t try.

Iā€™m not saying itā€™s true. Iā€™m just reporting what was written in the book.

This is true. Drawing blood from a human is way different.

+1 for the dog.



Most animals are insanely quicker than humans. Humans are massive-brained but now slow physically. Noemā€™s a horrible person. And she lies. Sheā€™s just typically lazy and selfish; couldnā€™t be bothered to train/live w a dog properly. So fk it, just shoot it and pretend Iā€™m a tough country girl. Fuck you Noem!

[yeah, this annoys me. Bullet went in the wrong place iyam]


puppies often nip, itā€™s how they communicated with their siblings and other dogs and they nip just soft enough to not break skin on dogs. Humans have thinner skin so an untrained dog may break skin when nipping. Very basic training teaches the dog that nipping is not something you do to humans.

Many people donā€™t understand the difference between a dog bite and a nip, they also donā€™t understand the difference between a dog attack on a dog and a dog ā€˜teachingā€™ another dog, or even rough play.

If most of the story is true, the owner should never have let the dog free around livestock in the first place so thatā€™s 100% on Noem.
The dog may have been in a frenzy and felt restrained so turned around a bit what was restraining itself(young, untrained, possibly not well bred) in a way to say hey I donā€™t like that as opposed to trying to injure the human. It could have not realized it was even a human that grabbed it as well.


I hope no one thinks Iā€™m stanning for Noem. I donā€™t even like dogs and I think it was a shit thing to do.

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Yeah my dog is ā€œtouchyā€ and will communicate to people (everyone in the world but me) that need to back off. Sometimes thatā€™s in the form of a ā€œsnapā€ but she never makes contact.

Right. And I know there are a lot of unknowns here but Iā€™m much more inclined to give an 18mo dog the benefit of the doubt vs a shitty conservative politician.