GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Now how about a bipartisan vote to expel her

single seat gop majority tho. mike johnson isnā€™t that stupid, is he?

One party has serious people.


This is increasingly surpassing racism as the key distinction between the two parties.

I get the quick bullet scenario for certain situations.

But letā€™s not forget why Kristi Noem pulled the trigger in a gravel pit on an 18 month old puppy. Sheā€™s a horrible person who should never own dogs. Blamed the puppy for her own failings as a dog owner.


Maybe cricket pulled a harambe.

Cricket lived by the code.

ā€œChicken snitches get ripped to stitches.ā€

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There really are only two likely scenarios:

  1. Something set off the dog, and she overacted immediately afterwards by shooting it.

  2. She traveled out in public with an animal she knew was dangerous and she was negligent in securing it.

I know most people are upset because they assume itā€™s #1, but I think #2 is actually worse.

They. Never. Learn.


Please sir, may I have another?


Most Indians I know are hilariously racist and completely unaware Republicans hate them. Lol
Caste system.


Trump reportedly hates dogs. Maybe the dog angle should be tried on trump. Ask him why heā€™s never had a dog. Try to get him to defend Noem.

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I have met plenty like this

Almost none like this, though.

I can concur. Though itā€™s more those that came as older children or young adults.

The full second generation seems to be fairly liberal in terms of who I know.

Def met some execs in India that are at least sympathetic to Modi. Wait that sounds familiarā€¦


Same. I had three good Indian friends in HS who emigrated as small kids, all were cool as shit, parents were old-world assholes


I donā€™t get how Modi is so popular. Potable water has to be table stakes for any politician.

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Bigotry. It sells everywhere.


Iā€™ve met people like that, esp in grad school, but most Indians are super chill.

Thatā€™s a pretty good extempoanous speech

Can someone tell me what point Grothman was trying to make? Canā€™t be arsed up to look for a longer clip for context.