GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

The hilarious thing is that putting a dog down is probably the 273592872023th worst thing that she’s done, but it may as well have been Cricket blasting her political ambition right between the eyes.

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Americans love dogs, even most dictators love dogs. Only true psychopaths like Noam and Trump don’t love dogs.


She’s toast.
Even MAGA types love their dogs - so shooting an 18 month old puppy ‘cos you’re a shit trainer is way too much.

maybe depends how brown Cricket was

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There are like 30 million Americans who are otherwise incapable of empathy whose only redeeming characteristic is a deep love for dogs. The GOP can’t assemble a governing coalition without that plurality imo.


I mean, denial of observable reality in favor of fantasies that are emotionally fulfilling isn’t a NEW thing with conservatives. It’s a core component of their lives.


I could see a scenario where a dog bites and draws blood from more than one kid, there are no rescues able to take on another animal, and you live more than 4 hours from a vet to have it put down humanely….

Then maybe….just maybe….

But I would still take it to a vet even if it was a 4-5 hour drive or longer.

And it would still be a super hard thing to do

As someone who used to live in NH, I can attest that there is a portion of the population who would find it foolish to pay a vet to put down an animal when a bullet will do the trick.

You are right

Trump sticking to his guns and making Noem his VP would be a very funny way for him to lose the election.

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bullet through the brain stem is lights out from one moment to the next, and doggo would never have to see it coming. definitely kinder to the dog than a trip to the vet, a needle poke and a sudden forced loss of consciousness followed by gradual suffocation.

Comes down to blowjob skills and how much she reminds him of Ivanka.

It’s gotta be a woman, he loves sycophant women. Stefanik is too ugly and maybe Jewish? He might just pick a random Fox News skank.

if i were a house representative i’d vote to…

  • oust and try my luck at rerolling because cause mike johnson is a maniac
  • block because while mike johnson is a maniac i don’t like my odds looking at the rest of the field
0 voters

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LOL at “survives.”

Anyone want to bet me? I’ll take the Noem gets reelected somewhere side.



