GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Think of the SHAME she will feel!


how many of these things do they actually print for a vanity memoir of a two-bit governor of a flyover state who just wrote a vanity memoir last year?

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Well they’ve got to print a large enough number so when a PAC buys them all in the first week it shows up on the bestseller charts, right?

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I kinda figured they had a system to just move money around without shipping any physical books and save everyone a bunch of time and effort

They’re called e-books

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If I ever have the misfortune of going into a bookstore and seeing this book, which I really doubt, I’m grabbing as many copies as I can and making a little shrine of them around the puppy training section. A peteuthanasiahenge, if you will.


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tell me you didn’t write the book without telling me you didn’t write it

She must wear clown shoes to bed. Center Street is also trolling her by saying they’re removing something from a book called ‘No Going Back’. So amazing…

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Sticking to the cringe, evasive answers to direct questions about the lies in her book. Notice no push back when the host mentions a ghost writer.

we’ll be Going Back® and changing the obviously untrue parts to make it more believable


Not to mention why would the United States Government want the Governor of fucking South Dakota to ever meet with ruthless nuclear-armed dictators?

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If I actually wanted to read a book about someone like Kristi Noem, I’d hope they have a ghost writer.

She did her own audio book. Hopefully someone can make all the sound clips before it gets called back.



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That may be the first video I’ve ever seen of him but did he have work done?

Not a denial.