GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

She needs to take the Trump method and double down on the criticism. Start attacking Biden for the fact that his dog bit people, and he wasn’t tough enough to make the hard decision to take the dog out to the rose garden and shoot it in the face.


She’s finding out that you can’t just brush aside the most heinous stuff with something like “locker room talk” when you aren’t a white male.

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At this point, in this country, I’d put it at about a coin flip that 5 months from now Trump-Noem rallies are ending with an unflattering photo of Biden on the big screen while the crowd chants “GRA-VEL PIT! GRA-VEL PIT!”


When she is VP first thing she will do it kill Bidens dog

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Why lie about having two Bronze Stars when you legitimately have one? It’s like lying is in their DNA.

Funny thing is, Noem could be talking about herself in that Hannity segment.

…once an animal like this starts killing and starts killing just because they enjoy it… that is a very dangerous animal.


That would be funnier without the Ben Garrison style labeling. Just leave out her name.
The humor value drops a full notch when you have to label (or explain) anything.
Just put the state flag or something in the background.


He probably has two. It says he got one for essentially doing his job on a deployment (which is standard), and he probably got another one at the end of his service (which would also be standard). The military closes out your records on your last day and your end of service award usually comes through the mail a few months later. You can get your records updated but most people don’t go through the trouble. The awards are meaningless though. A bronze star for a single action is a medium-big deal but getting them for career checkpoints, although the same award, is not the same.

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Was thinking this same thing. Just have a highway running along the side with a “Welcome to South Dakota” sign or something.

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Yeah, that’d actually be perfect.

We’re doing a Snoopy theme now




“Commander say hello to Cricket.” Holy shit, lady.

Confirmed. Comes out Tuesday. I guess she could still cancel or delay the release.

Commander’s Secret Service detail needs to open an investigation into Noem



Fred asks, Fred receives, and the non-answer is as bad as you can imagine:

She has claimed to have narrated the audiobook version, so somewhere there is hopefully a recording of her reading the passage that she claims to have just heard about. We got her!

“The book is not released until Tuesday and so we’re doing all that we can to make sure that those changes are made…”

Yeah, I’ll bet.

Those limited wrong-print editions of gnome’s book where her editors maliciously made her look like an idiot by making up stories about her meeting with dictators and murdering pets are going to be worth a ton of money when all of this is cleared up.


The only reason she won’t admit it was because she was probably told to stop talking about killing dogs and I’d guess that was part of their time together.