GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

I’m a bit lost on this, but who the fuck is Forrest L. Alton and why would Mace be texting him for tickets to an SC game?


I couldn’t get through that with that lady unnecessarily inserting her face in the frame and fake silent laughing.

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Some election fanfiction for you


I feel like there’s never any follow-up on these stories after the punishment is handed down. We’ll never know the source of the money they use to pay this, will we? I’m not sure how much of a punishment these things are, but they sure sound good and tough at the time. From that article:

Wohl and Burkman have previously faced penalties for running similar schemes elsewhere during the 2020 election. In 2022, an Ohio judge ordered the two men to spend 500 hours registering low- and middle-income voters in the Washington, DC, area after authorities in Ohio accused them of running a voter suppression campaign in multiple states.

And in 2021, the Federal Communications Commission proposed a record $5 million fine against them after an investigation found they appeared to have violated US robocalling laws.

I might be splitting hairs here, but did they actually have to do those 500 hours registering voters? They were ordered to. Did they actually have to pay a $5 million fine in 2021? The FCC PROPOSED it. The article linked provides this:

The decision, which is not yet final, follows charges by Michigan’s attorney general last year linked to hundreds of robocalls allegedly created by Wohl and Burkman and designed to discourage voting in the 2020 election.

“Not yet final.” Does anything actually happen? LOL LAW


the important thing is that they learned this lesson and will suppress votes better next time.

just came back from texas. they now have bumper stickers “come and take it” with border razor fence on it. (tangent: alamo reads more than half way to a death cult shrine).

im still sending money to allred, but yeah it’s kinda grim. there’s already anti abortion law on the books, they are not magically going to turn out.

He would be for sure if it was Tackle the Man with the Senate Seat

also saw signs that Katrina Pierson is running for texas house in an already conservative district around dallas, she might be close to beating the incumbent in the primary. no idea if she got trmp’s endorsement

And again, minority woman accidentally votes when she wasn’t elligible, gets thrown in jail for years.


You have to make a lot of mistakes, procedurally and otherwise, to end up with a one vote motion to vacate that puts your fate in the hands of Gaetz, Bobert, and the rest. You can blame Gaetz, but he was the last domino in a long line.

You also have to lose a lot of votes in a row to get to that position too…

no idea what this is about, but it’s definitely a case for let them fight each other.

I believe “Wow!” with an eye roll is the proper response.

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I’ve posted about this before, but I have a cousin who was a CIA station chief and when I asked him about his experiences with Bolton he said something to the effect of “Even total lunatics like Donald Rumsfeld knew to keep Bolton away from sharp objects.”

God can the press please stop giving these eRepublicans attention for this performative nonsense? “I won’t vote for a Democrat even when democracy itself is at stake” is trash politics but the media acts like this is some principled stand.