GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Probably the small can too. Or a flat fountain drink with Saran Wrap on it.

And it’s not like this is anything new. I was on a business trip and stayed at a fancy NYC hotel in probably 1999 or 2000 and was shocked at how much breakfast was. I was just charging it to the company card, but I limited myself to a fruit bowl and OJ because of the prices.

Insane to spend so much on room service when you can just walk downstairs and eat for free by having it charged to “your” room.


I did this once with my kids when they were around maybe 6-8 years old, just put them in the car one saturday and rolled up to the nearest residence inn, they thought this was the coolest thing ever

Heck, this guy complaining about the $14 OJ is probably also putting it on the company card.


Yeah I remember a $25 danish and oj back in the 90s. This has been that way forever. In fact they don’t seem to keep up with inflation.

Am I the only one who starts singing More Human than Strom Thurman every time I see this thread title?


I do now


well you WERE but not anymore


Id have to take out Strom for the cadence to work, but More human than Thurman works just as well

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Respect his decision to put his beliefs to the test.

Much as he did during the trial, Johnatakis continued not to engage with the substance of the proceedings and instead advanced sovereign citizen arguments, indicating that he did not think he was subject to the federal justice system.

Next line of argument will probably be that he’s not actually in prison.


maybe he hopes to be released as part of a prisoner swap, in return for the girls in his basement


The people I know who clerked for judges in state courts or worked as PDs or ASAs all have stories of encountering sovereign citizens. They are total fucking nut jobs.

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We watch Court Cam. My law librarian spouse finds the sov citizens segments hilarious, feels bad for the judges and the “standby” public defenders.


one time i got a 4 page handwritten in pencil “motion” from one about some misdemeanor that they didn’t think applied to them. good times.


I interned for a fed magistrate judge and she had me doing work sorting out the arguments of a plaintiff who was representing himself pro se. this guy wasn’t even a sovereign citizen, and that shit was a nightmare to parse.

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my well meaning family have started mandatory post-retirement withdrawals from 401k/ira which means their income tax is still significant. so they have started saying things like “young people should pay taxes, not seniors”, and “what if we live long and run out of money?” i have to debate them pointing out that they enjoyed tax deferred growth for 30 years, and i’d rather everyone didn’t weasel out of paying taxes and the state safety net would be strong enough for seniors and medicare would be fully funded. then usually the debate devolves into medicaid/homelessness/etc.

different forms of this nonsense existed for awhile. i am sort of impressed by the chutzpah of going ahead and trying this for real. outcome-based analysis: gop wins and cancels democracy in favor of full-on fuhrer, the tax thing is just frosting. opposite outcome: gop loses or goes through a tragic death, good luck to whoever tries repealing this tax break for seniors.

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Not that they’re thinking about it this way, but it is complete horseshit that the only people who truly escape ever really being taxed are the richest .1%, who just borrow against assets then give their heirs stepped up basis at death. Bonus points for also avoiding the estate tax via complex trusts and offshore shenanigans.

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