GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

lol lmao

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He obviously has centrist tendencies but why do you think he is awful? I usually find his show pretty thoughtful and he is willing to say when he makes mistakes.

The problem: every educated person who pays attention finds the Republican party repulsive

The explanation: millions of people are involved in an evil conspiracy

The solution: boost the repulsive party without thinking too much about what they’re up to


I love how Republicans are always crying about Democrats dominating the fields of journalism and education. Yet they want to control both. Maybe if they would actually work in the fields they profess to care about, they’d have more pull. But that means working for peanuts for years. And if they do that, they’d start thinking like a liberal.

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The woke left apparently dominates all of pop culture, arts, science, politics, journalism, education, etc. etc. etc. but somehow also they’re incompetent clowns who can’t do things correctly.

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Everything could be undrestood by incompetance

got artirtis writig that

i may hav spelled thart wrong

Trump vs Obama 2028, LFG.


lmao the authors of the 22nd amendment couldn’t possibly have envisioned a thing that happened 70 years earlier


Trump vs. Carter imo.


You are not asking a real human a question. It’s a bot

Yeah the side that’s annoying on campus is a lot more dangerous than the side with all the guns who stormed the Capitol to overthrow an election.

The military deep state would align with any R not named Trump. They’re not aligned with Democrats.

All the stuff he describes about the surveillance state is literally about to happen to Ukraine if Russia wins, and he actively supports Russia’s invasion.

And he’s right on the pulse of the nation with the transhumanist divinity concept thing.

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If you and @clovis8 are going to continue to launch personal attacks on posters, then you better be prepared to take in what you dish out.

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Good observation

Hey thick cut, you are stupid!


Some of you are bots, some of you are children

Some people got free furniture, and some people got bubonic plague.

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