GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

looooooooool that is epic inter-generational trolling. They got us Gen-Xers, they got our asses.



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What a bunch of fucking dopes at NBC, Jesus Christ. In an effort to cozy up to the RNC, which is repugnant in the first place and also obviously destined to fail once MAGA is in charge, they piss off literally everyone and get themselves sued. Great job, great effort.

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Would like to see the reaction if Fox News hired and fired Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

Kind of funny to see republicans freak out about this as some sort of example of left wing media bias, like cmon they just tried to hire one of the biggest republicans possible and just because they changed they’re mind they’re extreme left wing.

Not even the onion

He gets a $5,000 fine.

Meanwhile a Latina woman who accidentally voted when she wasn’t eligible gets 2 years in jail.



Sean Hannity would literally greet her at the door with her new badge.

It is now. It’s not like anyone is listening to it anymore.

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The chilling effect was still well-accomplished.

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It was definitely a terrible 1) arrest, 2) prosecution, and 3) conviction that had a chilling effect. Just glad she’s been exonerated. The information seemed timely in light of the GA guy (who seems to have a similar defense and did not, like I first thought, knowingly vote multiple times in a single election).

Thought this episode covering the evolution of the GOP is one of Klein’s best episodes.


Middle-finger politics is the best monniker I’ve heard yet for today’s GOP base.

It can only exist in an environment where they know the worst thing that can happen is the status quo, which isn’t that bad for them. It’s a free-roll for fascism.

When they vote, people in historically marginalized groups take into account that things can always get worse. They don’t have the luxury of flipping off the entire establishment.


He should get rid of that ‘a best podcast of 2021’ tag. I guess 2022 and 2023 didn’t go as well for him.

Ezra Klein is just plain awful. Hard pass

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Scorching take,