GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

The prevailing opinion is she’s giving up to avoid discovery because that wouldn’t be good for her chances in the election for senate. Polling says she’s slightly ahead right now, I think.

No signs of life here


have to pick not horrible candidates to start

Isnt she like 28? The vast, vast majority of people her age dont think nirvana are cool in 2024, nor does anyone younger. This is a ~35-50 year old.

If youre trying to fit in with younger people it is not through any rock band.

the point is that shes saying middle aged men should wear something from their own era, but nirvana is from that era if you’re middle aged?


Its also just clearly “dudes still wearing a t shirt they have owned since 1996.”

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Is that actually a real tweet?

I have two high schoolers and can tell you that Nirvana is quite popular among the youths.

Im like 1/20 in that demo in recent times of them knowing similar bands.

There was a semi related twitter thread that blew up the other week about a college professor who used to talk about the matrix with his freshman students and he said it has been years since anyone had seen the film, with nearly none of them having heard about it lately.

There is so much content out there I wouldn’t be surprised at being able to find fans of most any age for most any band. Except Nickleback, those guys suck.


While not good, Nickelback gets way too much hate. Maroon 5 deserves every bit of hate that has been directed Nickelback’s way.


Sounds cause to hike the defamation damages to make her stop. Taking a page out of the Trump playbook.

Lawtwitter says she is conceding to limit discovery.

Should this work (we know it will). Seems to determine damages the judge/jury would need to know the details.

What’s this? Oh just a Twitter post from a meme stock account, promoting a video from a white supremacist grifter, talking about a segment from the Jesse waters Fox show.

Why am I posting this? Oh because my friends, who have masters degrees and make 1/2 mil a year and run complex organizations in their jobs and own their own multimillion dollar homes, sent it to me completely unprompted yesterday, trying to dunk on me from a “fraud waste abuse” angle

Fuck my life.


From that list, #3 followed by #1.

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This is where you reply " you’re dumb as fuck" imo


Tie between everything not benefiting straight white males.

You need new friends.



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She thinks Nirvana is a clothing brand