GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Radagast the Brown has fallen on hard times.


That place looks like it would be the sister casino to Diamond Jimā€™s in Rosamond, CA but with a lot of money instead of no money

I know it was a clever word play, but as someone with a disabled child who rides the small bus to school, I donā€™t appreciate the Freedom caucus being associated with those kids. If weā€™re going to look down on people who use the R word, we shouldnā€™t celebrate jokes that do the same thing with different words


Unfortunately people care more about their teams vs principles.

Especially when you have a demographic of people who have been in the top 1% of luck when it comes to where they were born and raised and the amount of opportunities they have.

They donā€™t actually care about the less privileged, they just shout about it on message boards but the mask always slips.

Youā€™re right. Iā€™m sorry


Not a single true statement here, thatā€™s pretty impressive.

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Blue Alaska in this scenario is really weird.

I cannot tell what wokeness is at this point. Wokeness is against big naturals?

Maybe Iā€™m a conservative?


I figured wokeness would burn the bra,

Itā€™s a typo, or whatever the graphical equivalent of a typo is.

Obviously Alaska isnā€™t going for Biden if over half a dozen states shift from red to blue.

BTW, Iā€™m not 100% writing off Alaska for Biden. They have a Democratic rep and had a Democratic senator less than 10 years ago.

Iā€™m certainly not forecasting a Biden win there, but it could be an unexpected sneaky competitive state.

Especially if the reds pull a full shutdown. Alaska is one of the states that really really relies on the government functioning properly.

Thereā€™s a 0.0% chance of Biden winning here.

Counterpoint - hundreds of thousands of Americans declined to get a free, life saving and safe medical intervention that could save their lives on the basis of ideology.

Florida had a Democratic Senator until 2019 and Trump won the last two elections 49-48 and 51-48. Rick Scott only won by 10k votes in 2018. Not forecasting a win, but still feels to me like a state which might be more competitive than most here think. Definitely worth spending campaign money there.

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If the Cuban/Spanish vote goes Republican then itā€™s a lost cause, but the Dems need to focus on the non white vote in Florida.

Dems have been chasing racist white people my whole life because they are ā€œreal Americansā€ while ignoring Hispanics which is like 5x as big and a more natural constituency, absolutely enraging


Dems are running a (non-Cuban) Hispanic woman for Senate in Florida. She isnā€™t the favorite, but I think thereā€™s a realistic non-zero chance of her women.

ā€¦And about 50 Gazillion x more persuadable.