GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

I grew up there and have spent a decent amount of time there over the past several years. I don’t know very many people there (know lots of conservatives) who actually like Trump (loud 2016 supporters I knew then are quiet now). Texas as whole didn’t vote for him in 2016 primaries and his vote total is lower there overall in the general from my remembrance. Also, the areas I grew up in and visited were not blue areas.

I suppose I can really only speak for the zeitgeist in Texas poker rooms, which are supposedly in blue areas in Texas, and I just cannot feel any type of vibe that people are ready to ditch Trump, quite the opposite really.

People semi-routinely wear FJB gear, and if you ask them why it’s no more nuanced than Fuck Joe Biden! Fuck yeah Trump! Biden is a communist baby killer, Trump will save America.

I’m from Chicago, and if people wore a bunch of Maga gear, you would bet your ass they would get some pushback. In Texas, there would be none.

And just curious, where did you grow up that was conservative but not Trumpy?


hearty LOL at all the red on the map but then having Alaska be blue.

Fort Worth. It still voted for Trump in the general, but it wasn’t ever enthusiastic about it.

Hmm, I’d say do a social experiment and go to your local poker room.

Yeah that was a misclick.

I don’t live there and I don’t even think there are local poker rooms in Fort Worth. I think most people from there go up to Winstar.


Ideology is subject to material interests example 22323

“One thing that is near and dear to all of us is the freedom to choose,” Rep. Phillip Tarver, R-Lake Charles, said while presenting his legislation to the House Transportation Committee. “…We’re just preserving the right of citizens to choose the transportation method they prefer.”

House Bill 341, dubbed the “Preserving Vehicle Purchase Choice Act,” cleared the committee without objection Tuesday and will next head to the House floor for consideration.

Tarver, who also sits on the committee, said his bill would prohibit any government body in Louisiana from adopting or enforcing rules that prohibit the use or sale of a motor vehicle based on how it’s powered. While the bill does not explicitly include electric vehicles, Tarver said it would protect vehicles of all energy sources.

Lawmakers did not show the same enthusiasm for Freeman’s House Bill 535, which would have given Louisiana residents the freedom to purchase electric vehicles directly from manufacturers. The proposal failed to advance without a vote.

“Strange things happen in this building sometimes,” Freeman said. “I think it’s quite ironic that I’m presenting right after Rep. Tarver’s ‘Preserving Vehicle Purchase Choice Act,’ which doesn’t mention electric vehicles but is supposed to be about choice.”

Freeman said her bill has all the same hallmarks of the free market philosophy in Tarver’s bill, but her only support on the committee came from fellow Democrat, Rep. Pat Moore of Monroe.

“If someone really wants to do that… isn’t that their choice?” Moore said. “It’s not forcing anything. It’s just providing for anybody that wants to do this.”

Not all of the opposition to Freeman’s bill came from Republicans.

Johnson said he believes electric vehicles are the future but didn’t want to support anything that could harm small businesses. He suggested car dealerships are there to protect car buyers.

“I think it’s about consumer protection as well,” Johnson said. “You don’t buy a house without a real estate agent. You don’t buy an IRA or annuities without a financial adviser, and you don’t buy insurance without an agent.”

It cost me 400 dollars to get a spare key to my car. Consumer protection my ass



California Republican Senate candidate Steve Garvey owes at least $350,000 in back taxes

I believe to Republicans this makes him smart.

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Maybe he sold all his gold gloves to Pat Boone for a hefty profit he didn’t expect

Not sure what this link is but found this funny. Looks like he was holding a will work for food sign earlier in the day.

That’s a big Trump area, no thx

It’s a few more steps, but aren’t we all working for food really?


Plus I crack on his appearance and he’s probably a dealing ninja.


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