GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Americans are too caught up in culture war identity politics for that. You can’t “rank” your whole identity as a Trumper. It’s Trump or die for these idiots.

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From what I can tell the biggest issue is that Biden is old and she’s gone way deep into the Kamala propaganda rabbit hole. Which is hilarious as she is just as vanilla as Biden.

That generation is just not aging well. Shes a reaganite and claims to be anti trump but is getting her brain poisoned by right wing media. I had to hear last week how immigrants showing up at our southern border are being given thousands in cash and free health care. That was not some shit I was expecting.

They get a certificate that says “free healthcare”

That’s Canada, not the US.

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Every time Republicans talk outside the bubble it’s a disaster for them. Can Dems please for one fucking election cycle just let them dig their own graves.

One one hand, A+ speech. On the other hand, Dems have completely ceded the ground on immigration.

Bottom line is that they view it as a net loser for them. Not right but it is what it is.


Getting rid of lead in the water infringes on states’ rights rofl get fucked


How does replacing lead pipes “infringe on the rights of the states and their residents”?

Also why is Kris Kobach still a thing?

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They think that anything that forces them to do things for people in their states infringes on their rights

Kris Kobach’s childhood home clearly had lead pipes.


It’s refreshingly non bullshitty.


Apparently the “signatory 3” on the group chater (whatever that means) is this guy:

Anyone want to tell him most of his fellow racists don’t think he’s white?

Checking their other social media, seems like this group hasn’t done much in the last two years. My guess is it’s dwindled down to this one incel who’s just going full racist.

Immigration is good because it facilitates the ethnic replacement of white Americans.


Irish immigration was good because of the ethnic replacement of the Anglo Saxon.

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Boeing can’t even get a plane in the air that doesn’t have pieces fall off in flight.