GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:


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Another stupid thing (surprise, surprise, Republican idea is stupid on many fronts) about that tweet is that airlines definitely do not want the responsibility of security screening. It’s a ton of liability risk and no value to the brand. A 100% privatized TSA replacement would just be a few brand new companies that are hired by airports, the airlines wouldn’t want anything to do with it.

I can’t wait to hear the stories of Spirit or Frontier just confiscating peoples valuables for no reason.


Most people who fly Spirit and Frontier are too poor to have valuables.

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I accidentally booked a Spirit flight for the return trip from Vegas later this month. I think the bar is so low from everyone complaining about them that it should be pretty easy for them to meet my expectations.

Spirit is usually fine if you have no connections, no checked bags, no carry-on, you’re not that tall and not that fat, and you can afford to be an hour late and have other flights on other airlines later on the day that you can book if your flight gets cancelled.


Yep, my gf will fly Spirit when she’s making a quick weekend trip and and packs a tiny bag with a change of clothes or two only. But other than that by the time you add in luggage fees and such you might as well fly Delta and not hate yourself for being cheap.

Did Spirit once from Boston to Peru. It was so much cheaper than other options. It was not worth it.

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Spirit is incredible if you can pack a bag that fits underneath the seat in front.

Spirit flies international?

spirit has outstanding coverage to the Caribbean and Latin America

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Critics say

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I can fit four days of clothes in a backpack, more if I only wear tshirts.

Where can you go pantless?

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Is Gorsuch doing the roids?

Spirit is one of two airlines that fly direct from Detroit to Vegas, the other being delta. Even with check bag fees the round trip is several hundred cheaper. Only bad time was when our return red eye was supposed to depart at 8pm but ended up around 2am. We were the only outbound flight that late and security was making fun of us for flying spirit.

I’ve flown Southwest to Vegas and Reno in each of the last three years. There was a long delay before the first flight home. They gave me a $100 voucher. The 2nd year they lost one bag on the flight out, they lost two bags on the flight home. All bags recovered the next day. I got a $200 voucher. The third year, we were stuck on the tarmac for more than two hours after the return flight because there were no open gates. Got a $300 voucher. Going to round-trip to Vegas in June for $151. They screw up every time, but much cheaper this way.

400$ voucher for having a kidney stolen in flight trip report incoming!