GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

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Yea all of Haley’s voters are falling directly in line behind Trump, and anyone who thinks otherwise hasn’t been paying attention for the last 9 years.

Most of those people even want to vote for Trump, they just don’t want to admit it on camera.

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by november she will endorse him. it’s silly to think that any of those people are ever coming across the aisle.

“Both sides are the same, so I have to vote for trump again.”

Time to start getting your minds right and accepting what is sure to happen here. Choose not to rage and have a snack and watch Netflix instead.

The new face of the Republican party.

This fuckin guy

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I swear every interviewed independent/undecided is a local republican chairperson.

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Just specifically the white women and not the other women?

I love the guy who says “if trump wins the country loses” and yet he won’t even lie to the guy and say that he won’t pull the lever for trump

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“existential threat, yes, I’m done with trump”

“ok biden vs. trump, who ya supporting”

“ugh, trump”


“trump is a threat to global security”

“ok so trump vs. biden who ya got”

“well I’m not going to vote FOR either of them”

GG america, we had a good run


Florida, never stop Florida’ing

“I think they can make it on the Moon and export it on Mars, and it’s fine to have Martian meat as well,” Black said. “If you go to the Moon, if you go to Mars, you should be allowed to get it there. But you sure as heck shouldn’t be able to get it anywhere in this country, and sure as heck not here in Florida.”

Hey Siri, who the fuck is Dean Black?

Dean filed a House bill called the “What is a Woman Act”. This bill, named after conservative commentator Matt Walsh’s controversial documentary, would legally define the terms “man” and woman" based on a person’s “biological sex at birth.”

In response to the trend of government officials taking down Confederate statues, Black filed legislation that would punish any lawmakers who vote to remove “historical monuments and memorials.”[7] Under this bill, if local lawmakers vote in favor of the removal of Confederate statues, they may be fined or removed from office by the governor.

Anti-woke foot soldier, as expected.

But why might this scared and whiny House rep have his RWNJ crosshairs fixed on the cultivated meat industry? Because he has a conflict of interest, of course!

Black is a local business owner and rancher.

Even his ranch is a goddamn nut job. Can you believe that? The actual ranch, including the cows, are shitposting conservative snowflakes.



“I never thought the rancher would eat MY face!”


ah yes clearly growing some grass so a big sack of meat can convert 90% of it into methane farts and the remaining 10% of it into meat is going to save the planet

sort of weird how they’re implicitly admitting that climate change is real, the problem is we’re just not eating enough beef. cognitive dissonance on display.

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Bill Gates can’t do that

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Feels like they are underestimating Bill Gates’ ability to shit in the grass and trample it into the ground.


I had this exact conversation with my 74 year old mother. She’s of the old guard that voted Kasich in 2016 and Romney in 2012. She just can’t vote for Biden. I asked her if instead of voting for a candidate she just put her preferred candidates in rank order and could write in Romney it the top, then Biden, then Trump, if she’d be comfortable doing that. She said yes.

People get emotional about their vote, and think it’s a general endorsement of the person. When their choices are a bigoted fascist or an 80 year old who is complicit in a genocide, this is what we get. Obviously we could fix this with ranked choice. But at least one party (and lets be honest, both) have no real incentive to let this happen as it risks breaking up their duopoly.

Biden is like the most inoffensive possible candidate to boomers. He’s one of them basically (yes I know he’s actually too old). Propaganda, man


I don’t think Biden’s a great candidate, but something doesn’t add up here. I don’t think your Mom is voting for Jesus Christ if he is running with a D next to his name.

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Yep, this is just absolute stone cold proof that Facebook and Fox News brainwash people so hard. Biden is like the most vanilla dude of all time, especially as far as politicians go. Grandpa Joe, he used to be. But now he’s a dangerous criminal supervillain hell bent on suffering and destruction and it’s just so lolsey but cults gonna cult.