GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

My Magnum Opus. Not sure I will ever write anything better.

Fuck that fucking fucker.





Legit loled at the ending


you would think people would understand that by now

Catholics know nothing about god

Can’t wait until we bring in all the white (atheist) Europeans get God back into America

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A man with a history of “honorary” membership in the Klu Klux Klan not only managed to make it on the unofficial ballot to be the Republican nominee for Missouri governor, but may even appear atop the official ballot when GOP voters vote in the primary this August.

A 2022 article on the Anti-Defamation League’s website shows McClanahan next to a man in white robes as both men give what appear to be Nazi salutes in front of a burning cross some time around 2019.

The ADL article claims that the organization’s Center on Extremism has been tracking McClanahan for years, as he has affiliated with various white supremacist and Christian identity groups.

he RFT reached out via text message and asked McClanahan if he was the man pictured in front of the burning cross in the image shared by Dogan. McClanahan replied, “It’s an invisible empire Yes it’s me.”

But he denied ever being in the KKK.

“No I am not and I have never been,” he wrote back. He then sent us a photo of Elvis squaring off in mock fisticuffs with Muhammad Ali.

Ok the Elvis picture makes me not take you seriously, but you can’t say things like “It’s an invisible empire”

It’s like saying “Are you part of the gleep glop cult?”

“The third eye arises into the mountainous top, but no I’ve never been in that cult”

Like now I think you are

In an unusual legal strategy for a man alleging he’d been defamed by assertions he is aligned with antisemites and white supremacists, McClanahan says in his own court filings that he is a “Pro-White man, horseman, politician, political prisoner-activist who is dedicated to traditional Christian values.” He also says that he has had “honorary memberships” in the Knight’s Party Ku Klux Klan and the League of the South.

He also writes he “did attend in 2019 a private religious Christian Identity Cross lighting ceremony falsely described as a cross burning.”

Guys don’t falsely describe something as a cross burning, it’s a Christian Identity cross lighting ceremony, like a Christmas tree!


Just normal non-evil stuff

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Not really shocking anymore or to anyone really, but Republicans are just as adept, if not more so, at “big government” bureaucratic shenanigans to stop things they don’t like.

I mean, McClanahan is a bit too on the nose, even for this shitty simulation we’re in.

I guess it could have been McKlanahan… Maybe that’s the next version.



I think they should have put ‘only’ in quotations and not honourary.



They should have kept him in that coma.

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Lulz. Fuck you Jonesy. Also fuck any lawyer dumb enough to take this man on as a client.

are you sure they didn’t?

Is Bill Graham related to Billy Graham?