GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Have AI generate an image of their face and then 3d print it


Of course it’s a “migrant” criminal enterprise. Everyone knows migrants are the only ones with access to mopeds and hackerman.

The right going after contraception? Who could ever have seen this coming?

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Well that is “twinkle in your eye” shit right there.

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The brain trust of the Republican Party wants to get rid of recreational sex and somehow this election isn’t going to be a landslide.


They’re scared shitless of being a Christian minority and want to force feed us back in time to when they were the majority. That’s why we’re seeing all this authoritarian BS right now. I think it’s the real deal and they’re willing to use whatever means necessary. People need to wake up and take this shit seriously imo


Yeah you would think “no more recreational sex” would be a loser as a sales pitch, until you consider that to them “recreational sex” is just sex that women choose or initiate. Boys will still be boys ya know? I mean they’re literally more comfortable with actual rape than they are with a woman getting dressed up and going out for some action.

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Their supporters know that the rules will be applied selectively in their favor.


Whatever means necessary=non-electoral means if electoral means fail.

Lol if you think these people can be stopped at the ballot box and then you can rest.

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That’s pretty much what I’m saying. I don’t think people realize the potential for violence in November. Trump wins no matter what. Either by winning the electoral college or by claiming the election was rigged again

In fairness there was a lot of predictions about violence last time around. He’ll probably just win, or else lose and cry about it until he dies. But probably win.

I’m a pretty huge pessimist and I think some huge MAGA militant uprising if Trump loses definitively is pretty unlikely. Insurrection 1.0 was their best chance and they blew it.

I think a majority of MAGA people will pretend like they never really supported him if he loses yet again. The real risk is him winning or some long drawn out super close election imo.

*damn amead beat me to it by a minute


They were like 15 feet from the senate and still didn’t go for it. Everyone just wanted a selfie and to cosplay a revolution.

I’m talking about both sides. Consider what happens if Trump wins and they start implementing what they’re now threatening to, under authoritarian rule. I think there’s gonna be some Bundy type standoffs when they come to take enough women away for using birth control or getting a medically necessary abortion for just one example

I don’t think there will be a huge uprising or some military taking the field, more like a low-level insurgency, something more like an order of magnitude or two larger than the Black Liberation Army but targeting non-conservatives instead of cops.

I think the movement realizes January 6 could have been more organized and, from their perspective, should have gone farther instead of assuming it will all fall into place. They won’t make the same mistake twice if given an opportunity.

Every act of violence that you think Trump would authorize as president is something whose target some MAGA lone wolf domestic terrorist might go after.

Done with intimidating women’s healthcare out of the state, the government is now turning to anyone who supports immigrants

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Tuesday a lawsuit against Annunciation House, the nongovernmental organization that has managed a network of shelters for migrants in El Paso for decades.

“The Office of the Attorney General (“OAG”) reviewed significant public record information strongly suggesting Annunciation House is engaged in legal violations such as facilitating illegal entry to the United States, alien harboring, human smuggling, and operating a stash house,” the OAG stated in a news release Tuesday.

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We are so cooked if measles comes back.