GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

she changed her name for him and he still didn’t like her much… lol


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Big government doesn’t work for the people! (as evidenced by us not passing any bills)


Yeah, I don’t think the problem is merely that progressives don’t know how to do framing, it’s that way too many of them think it is their job to convince other people of their values, because they think political coalitions should be built around shared values. I have written about this before. This idea is encouraged by the elites of both parties because if you build a coalition around values, you don’t have to actually do anything.

Trade unions have their share of problems, but when the progressive coalition was built around labor power, the focus tended to be more on material issues. Now the party has no coherent material policy platform and the “coalition of values” is a failure even on its own terms. For example, on Gaza and on what is happening at the border, one might expect a full-throated articulation of a set of values and of policy which ought to flow from that, but instead the party has been the picture of vacillation and division.

Only on social issues like trans rights and abortion is the party really able to get its shit together, because those things don’t involve questions of how the country should direct its material resources, aka the main point of politics.


I know it’s in the thread title, but I am still struggling to appreciate exactly how nuts these people are at the state level. Oklahoma firing its latest shot:


Some days you’re the leopard…some days you’re the face:

Honestly, though, the ambiguity of bible verses expressed in translations between languages that supposedly are communications from God dictating universal moral truths is one of the best pieces of evidence against them being divinely inspired. God created the universe, he knew about math and physics, so the idea that he’s some infallible being and chose to express absolute moral truths through humans and their language is pretty suspect.

Wow, this might be the best ever Congress in my lifetime (b. 1957)!

Well He really, really wants us to have multiple different languages that lead to difficulties communicating with one another. This one’s not even ambiguous, it was an intentional decision to make people shittier

And the LORD said, “Look, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do; nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language there, so that they will not understand one another’s speech.”

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Bless his heart for thinking this has anything to do with actual policy.

I don’t know if this is real. It’s so hard to tell anymore.

It’s obviously fake.

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Simple test. Is it a screnshot? Propably fake. Can you click a link to it? Probably real

The shitweasel part is 100% accurate tho

To be clear, I’m not defending that pos.

A ten second internet search confirms it’s fake.

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And it’s 100% something he would post. He is exactly this stupid.

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Do you think he posts such things out of ignorance or because he’s trolling and knows he can get a bunch of morons worked up about it?

You can’t let the morons win by not being arsed to do a ten second internet search.

The thing with Poe’s law is that guys like Shapiro aren’t genuine enough to really say crazy shit without everyone knowing they’re just saying controversial shit to drive engagement. It’s the true believers like Trump and MTG where we all know there are no filters on what they will say and tweet. The only way to tell if a Trump tweet was fake was through some inconsistent style choices, but there are no limits to the insane shit he might say, it’s just how it’s presented that would clue in to real/fake. Spotting a Shapiro fake is easy by comparison.


I was just a kid when Fast Car came out, this really takes me back. Even then it was clear to me that this was a banger. It was on everywhere, every radio station, MTV, department stores, etc.

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