GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Feels like I also have to mention that there’s some hilarious irony here in that Shapiro just dropped that rap track with a Canadian rapper. :grin:

Tom MacDonald is the only Canadian I’ve ever truly hated (and one of my exes is Quebecois)


Does Ted Cruz count?

Cruz moved as a kid, so I guess I don’t really count it. Also, it’s completely irrational given that Cruz is far more powerful, but something about MacDonald just enrages me more.

Not a hockey fan, eh?


Great song!

Got yelled at while canvassing today. It rattled my wife but I, a man of the internet, was nourished by her rage.


The topic being country music caused my brain to read this as quebecsis to rhyme with “texas”


This is great, but we’re gonna need some deets. I am also nourished by the right kind of rage, even if it is secondhand.

Deets are not super-dramatic. We were in a complex of duplexes. The canvassing app only showed one name at this place, I knocked and the guy came to the door. I was about 30 seconds into my schtick and he was pretty receptive, but then a woman came up from behind him, put her arm around him, and just started letting us have it: “You’re not allowed to be here, leave now, get out get out get out”. So we left!

The guy is a registered dem and like I said she wasn’t listed at all, so I would guess there’s some political disagreement within the home.


Free speech, baby! You are absolutely allowed to be there.

I usually just back down though because it’s not worth pissing people off.

Yeah, best to walk away. That was the last stop for us in the complex, not sure what would have happened if it wasn’t, she was demanding we leave the property.

And it was greatly outweighed by the multiple people who thanked us for what we were doing, offered us snacks/beverages or a bathroom break, etc. Met the parents of one of my son’s schoolmates and chatted for a while. I remain flabbergasted by the number of people who are more than happy to have an extended chat with a stranger knocking on their door on a Saturday morning. They’re so much nicer than I am.


Doubtful. If they were, they’d be out there canvassing.


Campaign volunteering is so counterintuitive. Everyone is scared to phonebank or canvass because they think it’s really hard talking to voters, so they all want to text.

Really, you need the thickest skin to textbank, because that’s the method that gets the most “fuck yous” and “go die of cancers” by a HUGE margin. Yeah, sending texts takes the least effort, but so does answering the text. Getting up from your couch and answering your door takes effort, and it’s one time the sunk-cost fallacy actually pays off.

People who get up to answer their door are far less likely to tell you to fuck off, or if they do, they are usually more polite about it. There are always exceptions, of course, like your lady today.

The other thing I’ve noticed about textbanking is that it’s so much harder to steer a conversation, and as an organizer, I get the most “how do I answer this text” questions from volunteers than I ever do with phone or canvassing.

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Man you guys that actually are willing to engage with a stranger for any reason let alone politically are truly some next level mother Theresa type heroes.


Comparing someone to Mother Theresa isn’t really a compliment anymore, but otherwise I agree.


Oh shit did she get cancelled?

Is this comment based on the Hitchen’s piece?

ETA: Removed the unnecessary snark. Apologies @gman42

There have been criticisms of her practice, including things like Faith Healing over medicine, supporting convicted child molesters, and Suffering tourism over a desire to actually help and heal, as well as possibly skimming from charity funds. (Not in small amounts, her charities received multiple millions of dollars worldwide.) She was also generally against women’s healthcare like abortion, birth control and divorce for any reason.

Can I get a cite for this? If she had just said fuck these people who the hospitals would not take in would that mean she did support women’s healthcare?

You are conflating a modern view on what “healthcare” means with what someone was doing to help people hospitals rejected in 1950’s India.