GOP insanity containment thread 3: more human than strom thurman

Agree with most of your post, but strongly disagree with the bolded.

Conservatives absolutely do not support “giving people the means to do things themselves”. If they did, they wouldn’t be against things like school lunches.

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No you’re right. I should have said “opportunity” not “means”

We should be tolerant of at least some immoral beliefs and behavior.

Who knows, maybe we’re the one goldilocks planet in the universe that ended up with a hooplehead god that fucked everything up real bad. I’m open to that viewpoint.


Just bought and can’t wait to read it! I read the article NotBruceZ linked and came away pretty impressed. Hopefully, this is better

I thought it was thou shall not wear white after labor day or something like that?


Fairy tale believers really have unlocked the cheat code. “Other people can’t do these things because it’ll make them wicked so says my sacred book, but its ok for me to do these other things because Jesus died so I could and I believe in HIM!”.


I know, he’s like a fucking rules lawyer in D&D…


Honestly it’s sad seeing adults reduced to this drivel. My dad has a PhD in aeronautical engineering which means his brain is capable of actual critical and complex thought. Instead he chooses to spend his time sounding exactly like lagtight. Even if the Christian God were to exist I doubt they would be happy about Christianity being reduced to this childish level of interpretation.


A short, hard tomahawk dunk on some long-winded hand waving.

This is the entire conservative thought process in a nutshell. Just look at “originialism” - they pretend it requires them to come to certain decisions, but then are happy to completely ignore it when they don’t like the outcome.

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It gets even more wild when you imagine the level of indoctrination that goes into a real life adult human deeply believing this particular set of fables and consider who is living in crippling fear of “indoctrinating muh kids!”.


This is unusual tho. Pretty sure there are studies that show religiosity dropping as education level increases. Especially in STEM fields

DEI does not seem to be catching on as much as CRT. If Alex Jones is anything to go by, the new hotness is NGOs… ooooooooo spooky.


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Seems good for Dems

She’s not an election denier? Maybe not sufficiently hard-core.

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I mean, Ronnie McD has been pretty good for Dems.

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This, Ronna is incompetent, but Trump excels at one thing and that is picking the most incompetent sycophants for important jobs. His hand picked RNC chair will be totally focused on Trump’s narrative and spending all cash to support Trump and the people he likes, while ignoring all the other stuff that helps other R’s get elected.