GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

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I find his choice of beer amusing.


I haven’t clicked on the tweet, but this has to be ratioed.

Aside from the ugly-ass shirt, I don’t know how this doesn’t piss off most of Texas. It’s a perfect troll.

EDIT: Shit, not ratioed. Guess it’s because it’s not football.

I don’t know why this tilts me so much. It really shouldn’t. I mean, other than being a soulless ghoul, he very well might root for both schools. I think there’s something about him wearing gear for both teams that pisses me off. I can understand if like, say, Mrs. Antetokounmpo, wears Bucks and Lakers gear when her kids are playing each other because, hey, they are her kids. But a politician doing it just annoys me.

EDIT: If he just said something like, “Man, I’m torn. I root for both schools, so this is tough. Either way, at least we’ll have one of them in the finals!” I’d be cool.

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Also, his hat still has the sticker on the underside of the bill. Not that it matters because people don’t care if he’s a pandering, lying scum bag

There’s a lot to unpack before even getting to the shirt and hat

  1. Standing next to the tv with game indicated
  2. Standing alone
  3. Holding an American macrobrew, but not too macro
  4. Stupid smile
  5. Is Ted Cruz
  6. Presumably telling someone to take the picture because who would want to take it?
  7. Photos of kids (?) in frame
  8. Stupid white cabinetry

I could go on



Does Ted not realize that literally nobody is falling for this shit? Is it just a bit? No human can possibly be this earnestly pathetic.

Ted learned tennis when he was a sc clerk because his boss played tennis. He’s that level of brown noser.

Kind of want to know how far Ted would have gone if he had had a gay boss.


So did Twitter, which got “Sam Adams” trending.

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either one is acceptable for a Texan.

I get ass kissing.

I don’t get performative nonsense like that stupid fucking picture, surely he knows not one single person has a positive reaction to that?


Some solid Gaetz content.

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This is correct, but also Pearl. We used to call Shiner Bock “The National Beer of the University of Texas.”

Maybe some lawbros could chime in here, but I heard that some judge really liked to play tennis and if you played it would give you a leg up in the selection process, because then you could play with him.

Not sure if it’s the one Cruz clerked for, but in his spot, I would absolutely overstate my mediocre tennis playing and if chosen, I’d be spending a lot of time on lessons. It’s a fucking SC clerkship; you do what you’ve got to do.

On the other hand, if tennis never came up at all during the interview process and Cruz only discovered the judge’s interest later (after he was working there for a while), then that’s quite different.

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Sounds like you’ve got a lot of boomer friends/acquaintances.

I got what you were doing. I was just joining in, sort of. And I suppose I still am.

Tiger mom psycho lady sent a steady stream of scantily clad applicants to Rapey McDrunkface, that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s the complete lack of self awareness.

Lol her daughter clerked for him, what a fucking ghoul