GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Shiner bock rules


It’s probably because she’s FAT now


Good lord

“Cancel culture” must poll well with idiots.


Deplorables are going to boycott their computers hopefully


MLB thing seems to have hit home for deplorables. Partially I think it’s tough be against the side of America’s national pastime but also the athletes aren’t as predominately black so it’s harder to play the “these athletes are spoiled, they should shut up and play sports” card.


“All these foreigners came and took all the jobs, its Rodriguez this and Hernandez that, no wonder baseball has gone to hell in a handbasket.”


At least we now know republicans hate black people more than they love huge corporations.


Yeah I see lots of posts about it on FB from people who never posted pro trump shit or anything like that. It’s dumb as fuck but its a solid issue for them.

One of my regrets is that a few years ago I went to a MLB game in my boring midwest city and our cleanup hitter was TJ Cook or something after 3 guys with hispanic sounding names and some douche behind me says something like “Finally we have an American player” and I didn’t do shit like a total :clown_face: .

The new Republican party pretends to be anti corporation. This actually fits their new narrative. The democrats are in bed with big corporations ( true ), the Republicans are fighting for the working class( lie ) yadda yadda

I mean they will still want low taxes and no regulations, but they will virtue signal that corporations are bad.

Make no mistake, these same corporations will still donate to these same politicians. Neither is doing anything but virtue signaling.


If you’ve figured out the optimal line in this spot, please post it.

My play in these spots is very weak.

Just so I’m clear, are you saying that the deplorables are pissed off at MLB or that they’re pissed off at GA legislature for doing something that caused MLB to do this.

Stand up
Turn around
Scan crowd
“I don’t know who said that, but just because one of our players isn’t white, doesn’t mean he’s not American. Don’t be a douchebag.”
Sit down


oh great, all the deplorables are going to install linux and derp it up again.

“So I take Windows off and install this? I don’t know, I heard that some penguins are gay”

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I’d think something like that would be fine in a lot of spots, but in MLB, aren’t a ton of players from Latin America (and not actually American).

I don’t think that the American or not part is really the issue. The dude is a bigot. Who cares if the player is American or not.

Optimal play is something like “I’m sure an American like you could be out there if you had any talent or athletic ability.”