GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

No wonder Tucker was distancing himself from Gaetz after the interview yesterday, they were both at the same high school party!



On a flight Tuesday from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne, Ind., two leaders in the House Republican conference discussed a memo that argues that their party’s future demands they “embrace our new coalition” because “President Trump’s gift didn’t come with a receipt.”

  • Banks argues in the memo that “both parties are undergoing coalitional transformations” and that Republicans shouldn’t fight the trend of corporate donors pulling back from the GOP.
  • “Our electoral success in the 2022 midterm election will be determined by our willingness to embrace our new coalition,” the memo says. “House Republicans can broaden our electorate, increase voter turnout, and take back the House by enthusiastically rebranding and reorienting as the Party of the Working Class.”

What’s next: Banks offered McCarthy ideas for how Republicans could make further inroads with working class voters. On the messaging front, he recommends:

  • Contrasting the GOP’s immigration policies against “Biden’s border crisis”
  • Hammering the Chinese Communist Party’s “predatory trade practices” and arguing that “Democrats’ coziness with China results from their coziness with Wall Street”
  • Attacking Democrats for COVID lockdowns, hammering “wokeness and identity politics” and going after Big Tech.
  • He suggests Republicans hold “working class roundtables” and create a “working families task force.”

When it comes to fundraising, Banks argues that members should effectively embrace their pariah status in corporate America and campaign against corporate fundraising.

  • “Members should use corporations’ preference for the Democrat [sic] Party to drive individual donations,” he writes. “It worked for me.”
  • “When Eli Lilly and several other corporate PACs blacklisted me” for objecting to the certification of President Biden’s victory on Jan. 6, “I reached out to individual donors, explained the situation, and asked for their support.”
  • “Once my supporters learned that liberal corporations blacklisted me because I refused to cave to their demands on January 6th, they were happy to make up the difference,” he writes. "That’s how, in the first quarter of this year, I regained every penny of the $241,000 I lost in corporate money through individual donations.
  • “Every Republican Member in a competitive district should know exactly how much corporate cash their opponent received in 2020, and they should relay those numbers to their constituents,” he adds. “The NRCC should arm Members with that information and commission advertisements that contrast Republican challengers with corporate-backed Democrat incumbents.”

It is a kind of trying to get the best of both world’s strategy in regards to corporate donations. They don’t actually oppose any kind of corporate interests so if corporations want to give them money that’s fine, but the fact is they’re losing the fundraising to Democrats so they’ll spin it as ‘liberal corporations giving to liberal politicians’

Sounds like they’re working on lemonade recipes in light of the fact that they have a huge pile of lemons.


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What I don’t understand is this

You know you like to bang / bang kids

Why would you run for public office?

More power and protection to abuse more kids


Vox further breaks down Gaetz’s interview with Fucker and provides info previously unknown to me, including that he’s apparently planning to leave Congress early to go work at Newsmax?

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Props to Gaetz. Too slimy for Barr is a high… bar.


You forgot 2-time Governor!

Dude leaked this like 12 hrs before news of the investigation leaked. Just his way of saying “you can’t fire me, i quit.”

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If i were given fair odds in 2018 that Duncan Hunter and Matt Gaetz would be criminally prosecuted, I would have made like $2.50.

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Levinson is the guy who was hunting Semion Mogilevich

Uhhh yea, they are?

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There’s that diamond-hard logic the manlet is known for.


And white skin is a FastPass.