GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Basically, the bulk of the voter suppression tactics (not limiting it to this bill specifically) make it harder for people in densely populated areas to vote by doing things like reducing ballot drop box availability, eliminating polling locations, and reducing voting hours. That not only gives people fewer opportunities to vote, but makes it more of a pain in the ass for those who do vote, such as making lines longer.

Minorities are particularly affected because they tend to live in urban, densely-populated areas. On top of that, things like voter ID laws (and requiring ID for mail-in ballots), requiring a specific excuse for mail-in ballots, an banning church-organized voting, disproportionately affect low-income minorities.

The key to your question about some of the tactics affecting poor white people is that they are designed to specifically target poor minorities and even more specifically those who live in higher-populated areas. So yeah, poor white people will be affected, but nowhere close to how minorities will be.


I mean this just seems like really bad optics. Even for the GOP. I know, I know, they don’t care. It’s still bad optics.


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You couldn’t write this shit. It has to be intentional.


I mean, to be fair, there has to be a shitload of art commemorating the Confederacy and the Antebellum South in Georgia just about everywhere. They probably didn’t pick out this particular painting just for the photo op. It’s just that paintings like that are everywhere already.


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Please don’t settle. Please don’t settle. Please don’t settle. Please don’t settle. Please don’t settle. Please don’t settle. Please don’t settle.


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Matt Walsh who openly blogs about how trans people are mentally ill is totally not a bigot!

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Fox’s legal strategy is “settle settle settle and more settle”.

Yeah dummy, everyone in the state gets a say not just rural whites. But maybe she knew this? It’s hard to assume anymore when state legislatures are just crazy parodies of the mostly insane House of Representatives.

The current income threshold for Medicaid in Missouri is $5,800/year for a family of 4.

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Oh I know. My “Dont settle” rant was for Dominion, not Fox.


We should tell him we’ll agree if only the testing is highly advanced physics and mathematics and the tests will be designed and given by the top university professor at each college.

Pretty sure not a single Republican in the country is capable of doing any of that.


They’re refusing $1.6 billion in free money and denying health care to 230,000 people. Also it PASSED A STATE WIDE VOTE. Guillotines.

The increased eligibility would allow an estimated 230,000 additional low-income Missourians to be covered. It is set to go into effect in July, after voters approved a ballot question last August with a 53% majority.

Only the disabled, children and parents with incomes under 18% of federal poverty level — less than $5,800 a year for a family of four — are eligible. It is one of the lowest eligibility thresholds in the nation.


The Mississippi medicaide obstruction is obscene.

The Georgia voter water is hilarious though. What are they going to do if you bring your own?

Cop: Hey bud, who gave you that water?

Voter: Brought my own.

Cop: Ok, you’re under arrest.

Voter: For what? I brought my own water!

Cop: Exactly. You gave yourself water. That’s illegal on election day.


If you hate all republican voters and all democratic voters, you hate everyone. Maybe you are the problem.


Honestly I think if they just start making bullshit arrests in line for water etc they are going to get hit with a massive wave of black turnout.

It’s kinda like the Germans in WW1/WW2 doing collective punishment or bombing London. All that stuff does is piss people off and make them hate you way more and make sure they will do anything to see you lose.

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What about third party voters and non-voters?

And disability is one of those things that seems to be highly variable based on getting a friendly, connected (white) doctor.