GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

If they don’t pass hr1 I’m going to be super, super radicalized

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The bill actually expands early voting and mail-in voting shouldn’t be heavily D going forward after everyone is vaccinated. I was initially furious because I just assumed the early voting thing was a typo and the article meant the opposite because of course Rs would cut back on every form of voting.

I know Rs are doing it because they think it gives them some edge and it’s correct for Ds to both try to stop that edge and use the suppression efforts to rally D voters but I’m not seeing stuff like this as something to panic about.

Rage. Simple rage is the only description for what I feel towards Kemp et al.

It’s the “we can seize control of the country authority when we see fit part that terrifies me”.

Honestly, it’s quite simple. The GOP has figured out that they won’t be held accountable for their actions. Just do whatever you need to do to win an election knowing the Dems will try to be fair. It’s a free roll and they know it.


I’m so ashamed there was a time, not too long ago, that I genuinely thought republicans were just people with different policy goals. I can’t imagine that version of me was so stupid.

Today, being republican is nothing short of morally repugnant. There is no reasonable defence for being a member or voter.


I’d be ok with these officers getting attacked.

I don’t understand some of these voting restrictions. They seem to effect everyone not just minorities. Is the gop theory that suppressing overall vote, among everyone, is somehow good for them?

Which ones?

They’re gonna take over voting administration from minority jurisdictions then make the lines 10 hours long, then jail people who bring food and water. It’s transparently evil.


Closing at 5, no water online for example.

That’s coming at it from the other side. The only people it doesn’t affect are boat dealership owners and their fail children who can take a day of at will to drive miles to a polling place with no lines and not be missed.

They can’t get away with explicitly singling out black people anymore, so they have to target them indirectly. If a few urban white voters get penalized, that’s just breakage.

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Yeah, that might affect “everyone”, but it affect minorities WAY more.

Standing in line for hours to vote isn’t something that happens in white rural areas, so the banning water thing isn’t nearly as effective there.


I’m not a lawyer, but I can’t see how this Georgia law, specifically the part about the food and water isn’t going to be challenged in court. And further, I would like to see if this law can spawn similar discriminatory (but maybe legal) practices elsewhere in response. Like I’m sure they can’t say its illegal to give food and water to people standing in line because of their race or gender or religion etc., but its okay to deny them these things because they are “voters”? Is it legal to give food and water to people standing in line to buy concert tickets? At the driver’s license bureau?

In response to these laws, can a baker (for example) deny his services to Republicans? Can he force a person to produce a voter registration card showing he’s a democrat before he bakes him a cake? Are Republicans, or Democrats for that matter, a protected class in the same way that others are? I don’t know, but if I’m a restaurant owner, I think I’d put in on the line to deny services to Republicans just to see how it all shakes out. Seems like this new Georgia law gives license for you to do that to voters in general doesn’t it?



I don’t mean to be rude here but rather that you realise that these GOP critters are pure white supremacy only & that in no way would they think about going to the polling places of the suburbs nevermind to start making checks or arrests.

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This is all valid, but at the end of the day you’re counting on swing voter Neil fucking Gorsuch. And even that assumes you get the vote of John “we don’t need the Voting Rights Act anymore” Roberts.

Of course but I guess I don’t see how this doesn’t effect poor white people as well which is a key demo for the gop.

I guess it’s just they assume it will have a net gop lean.

DOJ will file suit in a few weeks. Law will likely be stayed (not just the water thing, but most of the provisions). Expect the Supreme Court decision in a few years.

There have to be criminal laws on the books about interference with voting rights. Would be nice of the DOJ would file some suits.