GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

This guy is still available


Well, 3/4/21 is here. Let’s hope the MAGA dipshits don’t kill anyone.


Well, except for maybe each other.


Her misspelling of the abbreviation ETC really bothers me. I can handle stupidity and I can handle aggressive assholes, but put them together and it really grinds my gears.


I don’t know if this belongs in the COVID thread or this one, but Abbott’s all “Freedom! You don’t have to wear a mask” and then straight pivots to “plague illegals are infesting our state with COVID, it has to be stopped”

I guess he’s doing some kind of “buy American” but for COVID infections


Only brown people get covid. Duh.

Verde Huevos y Jamon.

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Maybe shes just a fan of extreme championship tupperwareing? “E C TUH! E C TUH!”

Only brown people spread covid. You don’t have to wear a mask because that’s socialism. If the covid numbers shoot up that’s the illegal immigrants. If you are white, rest assured that no bad outcome is your fault. The real victim here are the white conservative Christians, clearly.


Imagine listening to this guy


*Huevos Verdes y Jamon.

Or is the ham green too? Then maybe it’s Huevos y Jamon Verdes. Or would it just be Verde then?

Shit, I guess I can’t be a Spanish grammar nit.


If only he’d secretly been offering his mansion as refuge. Sad!



It’s so infuriating that they argue that saying Black Lives Matters = saying other lives don’t matter.

It’s such an obviously false and disingenuous argument but they all shout it from the rooftops like it’s some big gotcha.

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Huevos Verde y Jamon

ETA But actual title is Huevos Verde con Jamon.

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This x100

And the two states that are opening up are the ones that failed so poorly in the cold weather. So, it’s look over here, we’re opening up. When that leads to some increased death, “illegals released by the Biden Admin.”

Honestly I partly blame this on choosing a poor tag line knowing what we know about human psychology. It’s like defund the police. Sure we being the top 1% of politically savvy people understand the nuance of what is meant but it’s not a great phrase for the general public.

Imagine if they simply started with Black Lives Also Matter.

Black Lives Matter means black lives also matter. That is the point.
People who believe it means only Black Lives Matter are telling on themselves. It is both grammatically and historically obvious.


I don’t think Black Lives Also Matter would’ve made a difference. Everyone knows what Black Lives Matter means. Some just choose to feign ignorance so they can pwn the libs.

Defund the Police is a different matter and I agree with you there. It’s a non-starter of a slogan that probably hurts the cause more than it helps it.