GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

do you have a link to the fb hate speech citing?


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Zuck has got to go honestly. I don’t care if it’s a very plush exile he needs to get booted out of the game right fucking now.

Maybe we can just turn him off and on again.


Is Zuckerberg the one making that decision though? The buck stops here, blah, blah, blah, but he probably isn’t even aware of it.

Apparently Facebook put it back up.

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The culture of total psychopathy starts at the top and flows down from there.



Well yea, I get that. But I think the biggest problem with Facebook is they don’t deal with issues because they simply don’t want to. But I seriously doubt they were going around saying “Oh, that’s hate speech. Take it down.” It’s more likely it got flagged and no one dealt with it.

I think FB gives each government what it wants. I won’t be super surprised when Joel Kaplan gets replaced by Neera after her confirmation dies for a seven figure a year package (This probably won’t happen, but Neera is exactly the kind of person they’ll replace Kaplan with under a dem admin).

Just expel her. JFC this woman needs to go.

Republicans today on the adjournment vote intended to disrupt the regular schedule

AYE 199
Not Voting 10

They support MTG doing this BS if it helps derail or slow down the dem’s legislative agenda.

ETA: yesterday’s R votes to adjourn

AYE 202
not voting 9

Her entire political purpose is Owning The Libs.

Susan Collins put out some bullshit about getting the minimum wage to $10 by 2026

The minimum wage is $12 in Maine RIGHT NOW


Right. And she wants it at $10 by 2026!


MTG gonna be hard to beat in 2024


My Trump-loving relatives will be eating out of her hand.

Its 100% this

He has total authority to do something about this and he doesn’t. Even if he backtracks on individual actions he never stops the collective behavior which he is absolutely responsible for.

Knowing about it is part of his job.

I’ve been banging this drum for years. He is the actual WOAT, post-1945 division.

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I agree. But he doesn’t care. It’s his company. You can’t make him care.