GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Their security state needs bullshit makework “wins” the same way ours does? But because they are russian theirs involves honeypotting idiot congresspeople rather than convincing 80 IQ muslim teenagers to try and kill people then “stopping” them (sometimes) before they do it.


This is the take.

As a fan of Le Carre novels, it’s disappointing to see how bad real-life intelligence assets are at op-sec. Look at them blowing their extremely thin cover via Instagram.

One phenomenon that happens in competitive situations is that people tend to play to the level of their opponents. The US Congress is packed with complete morons. “Espionage” missions these days involve stuff like sending a phishing email to a Congress imbecile that is forwarding all their work emails to a Yahoo mail account.

I think it’s mostly that Russia is broke and so they prioritize operations that are extremely cheap, like making Facebook bots or sending poorly-trained hot chicks over as honeypots. They probably get more bang for the buck than they would with proper James Bond secret agent stuff.

I don’t know where to post this and I’m also not sure if it has ever been brought up in here but this guy got sentenced to 44 months in October (found guilty in May) for a social media post he made during the Jan 6 kerfuffle where he called for armed resistance to any signs of an insurrection at the Florida capitol building. The US attorney prosecuting the case is a tRUmp appointee, of course.

Exactly. You don’t need to send James Bond to deal with Madison Cawthorn. You don’t even need to send the B team or the C team.

Could send the Я Team.

(Yes I had to look up what the last letter of the Russian alphabet was)


or better yet, call it Operation Ы. first of all it’s a reference to a goat soviet comedy, and secondly the letter looks like a wheelchair.

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U.S. District Judge Allen Winsor:


Neither of these people are Madison’s wife or ex-wife, let alone “wives” (wtf?). Don’t go too far down the rabbit hole imo.

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lol they don’t need that Jennifer Lawrence movie or Angelina Jolie from SALT, they sent a 6 to NRA headquarters and she had infiltrated the entire GOP by dinner


Looks like he corrected it.

WTF? That seems like a reasonable post and something I’d make if I was more into social media. JFC so saying if the domestic terrorists try to overthrow the government it’s illegal to say we should fight back?

How? That’s insane. He wasn’t advocating for striking first, just to be ready in case the terrorists did seize capital buildings.

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But if she was a Russian spy, why would she have dumped him? Her dumping him is great evidence she’s not a Russian spy.

Yea I thought the same thing, why would she divorce him after he became congressman.

The Twitter guy is a nutter if you look at his other stuff on there

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hey show some respect, Maria is now an elected deputy of the people.

He asked for an upgrade. In a year, he’s going to be given a hotter model.

Sure, this is like every other conspiracy theory where the evidence against the thing is endlessly turned around to actually prove the thing.