GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

Had to look up what a cuecat was. I think I’m going to need more info. Why do we hate this guy for that? Sounds like what we was going for was something like QR codes, which are obviously all over the place these days, but the execution left much to be desired.

Do you even megachurch, bro? Some of those places host full on Christian rock concerts with smoke machines and laser shows every Sunday.

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Omg they are so fucking cool it makes me want to vomit.

Wow it’s hard to get at the essence of douchy but they really went for it


My eyes…


What did I just watch? :confused:

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Lol and what’s the guy mean about mother in law dance with bride behind?

Edit: I guess that the bride shoulda been doing that dance thing instead? I mean maybe but who gaf?

If the whole thing was fake, that makes a lot more sense.

After checking out Cristina’s instagram posted above, I was thinking that was one hell of a pull for a dude in a wheelchair. Even if she was into rapey douchebags, there are plenty of ambulatory ones around.

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Came across this in the replies. Man I really hope all the dirt on these Republicans eventually comes to light, sweetsummerchild and all.

Cliffs on this Madison cawthorn story? His wife dumped him, and she’s possibly a Russian spy?

Why would someone invite a paralyzed guy to a fake crossfit competition when it would make infinitely more sense to just say he wanted to hook him up with a woman? And what paralyzed guy shows up at a crossfit competition without first checking out some flyers or something to make sure its legit?

Stewartson dude seems like a nutter tbh

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I also need cliffs on the tree puncher.

That’s just Madison showing how much of a manly man he is, punching a dead tree.

Does the concept of “Russian spy” even make sense anymore? The Republican party loves Vladimir Putin now, he is Big And Strong! Why spy on anyone when you can just ask them and they’ll give you the answer because they are stupid?

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The most Dunning-Kruger paralyzed guy of all time, that’s who.