GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

This is real I swear.


I don’t care what you said. Onion.

I don’t think the tweeter knows what “every” means.

Alright well thats so disturbing I’m just going to log out of the internet today so I can pretend to live in a world where this isn’t real for a little while longer. I’ll see you all tomorrow.

It means every single one except for the exceptions, duh.

Lol, Josiah is a special boy.

Evidently in Nov 2020 he wrote an article titled “How Republican Legislatures Can Re-elect Trump.”

He’s been busy posting on twitter for the last hour …

No more Critical Race Theory in schools. Stop talking about slavery and segregation. They were bad but they’re over. We need to move on.

Its time to stop talking about past discrimination and start talking about future discrimination?

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Not left, not right - forward!

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Stop talking about the slave-holding founding fathers. They were bad, but they’re dead. We need to move on.

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Lol that’s what i was thinking. In fact, why do we even have history?

I’m sure in reality he just means that you can only teach how great the founding is, how free markets have always been amazing, and Martin Luther King cheated on his wife and didn’t do anything else, except say one one about not judging people on their skin color.

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Gingerbread people - the next great existential crisis of our times.

Gingerbread men have to be the most genderless version of something implying gender by having the word man in it.

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These guys DEMAND to eat some dicks.


Lived on the ground floor dorm freshman year. Some of the guys made a very large snow phallus complete with veins. Highly detailed. It was destroyed overnight.

yeah that definitely looks like a teenage girl’s handwriting bud


are you sure?


Oh man, woe be the vagina that dare uses DUDE wipes