GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube


I mean… if those are the parameters we are going by

What a Goofus.


She made a gallant effort to sound smart, but failed miserably.


DeSantis beating Trump Jr. by a wide margin is remarkable. This guy is 100% going to be President some day. There’s more NeverTrumper support than I would have expected, maaaaaaybe if they consolidated around one guy they’d stand a chance, but nah.

Pence 12% LOL

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Pence + Romney + Haley + Cheney + Rubio gets you to 32%. Still wouldn’t bet on it, even if the MAGA wing was split.

Bunch of text message logs have been subpoenad, including Gaetz, MTG, and Bobert. Nothing real will come of it, but we might get some hilarious messages to lol at.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Josh Hawley speak, but I would think that an active insurrectionist would have a better shot than the Romney/Cheney types. DeSantis is way out in front in terms of embracing the culture war nonsense, I think that with a Donnie Dumb Dumb thumbs up he’s got it wrapped up if he wants it. Donnie Dumb Dumb will really love embarrassing Jr., he’ll really milk it by making Jr. go around praising him nonstop looking for an endorsement, then yank the endorsement and give it to DeSantis. That’s just narcissistic personality disorder 101.

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The poll has some interesting questions.

76% of Democrats think that Democrats are going to hold the House of Representatives in the 2022 elections. What the fuck.

Favorability of the Supreme Court is +6 among Democrats. What the fuck x2.

For the similar question about Biden (Who do you want in 2024 if Biden doesn’t run?), Joe Manchin comes in 8th with 3% AMONG UNDER 50 YEAR OLDS. I give up.

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DeSantis is on top of every culture war meme that’s trending. He’s a smarter, high-energy Trump, there’s no way he isn’t a massive favorite to win the nomination if Trump’s not in it.

One of the most infuriating things ever. Every poll of this comes back with dems being supportive of the current court. Thats how you know all hope is lost.

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I wouldn’t describe DeSantis as high energy.

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Democrat voters dumber than Republicans?

Sasse being at 0% does put a song in my heart.


this is how i feel about cotton.

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Highlights has been around a long time. The first kids to read it are dying of old age.

Criminal Justice degree sounds sus. Criminal Insanity more likely.

It sure was criminal what he did to opposing linebackers!

well, here’s a fun thread:

I didn’t realize that it was actually 1921…