GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

the other 65% polled thought that dems aren’t going to do anything about it.

I mean, you have to control for what the two groups mean by “democracy.” The Dems mean “democracy,” as in people voting and their votes mattering, but Republicans mean “the white-first racial hierarchy.” Both groups think that America was founded on their own definitions of democracy, and Republicans weren’t exactly wrong that their definition of democracy was under attack. They just decided to take meaningful measures to preserve theirs, and they don’t care, or even enjoy, that it subverts what the Dems call democracy…


Nothing screams democracy like proclaiming that the loser won and the winner lost with no evidence whatsoever.

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Democracy? Republic!

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DeSantis is so good at this, there’s no way he doesn’t crush anyone in a general election and I think he could even beat Trump in a primary fight.

Democracy! Republic!

Let’s call the whole thing off

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I had the whole Bobby Jindal experience. It sucks.



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Good example regarding native Americans and CRT singing?

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lol, living in florida I kind of feel like I’m an adult watching professional wrestling around tons of kids that don’t know it’s all fake.

the best part is you can tell the kids it’s fake and they all believe it is real.

a florida state senator just suggested a bill making it a law that professional sports teams have to play the national anthem before sports events… even though all florida teams already do it.

and these stupid fuckers still eat it up.


So, a mandate basically. And I guess you’re mandated to stand for the National Anthem too.

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Yes otherwise you can be sued civilly by a fellow citizen.

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God I wish Schiff was a badass like that.

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From the Onion in November:

How it’s going:


No doubt. However, I’m sure it would have sucked even if he didn’t have his eyes on the presidency.

tpusa, ok. well charlie kirk will finally have an answer for the “when do we get to use the guns” guy


“Whenever we want!”

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“He’s a Communists”.

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