GOP Insanity Containment: Beets, Gazpacho, and Lube

I’m pretty sure we own some gingerbread woman cookie cutters. They have skirts.


:heart_eyes: to my Scottish friends


On the ones we’ve got the skirts flare outward more at the bottom. Definitely less of a kiltish look.

Theres not a college campus on earth that doesn’t have at least one giant snow dick as soon as the appropriate snow becomes available.


As someone who has spent little time living somewhere that it snows a lot, I have minimal snowman experience. A durable snow dick seems structurally difficult to pull off. How does one do it?

The key is big balls


I’m still having a hard time imagining it, unless the balls are so low they rest on the ground. I guess that would work.

A google image search for snow dick will explain it far better than words ever could.

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Just did that actually. It did help. Interestingly, some of them use a carrot. That’s cheating, imo.

Also there were way more giant snow dicks than there were snowmen with dicks.

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heh, last week navalny complained that russian penal colony emasculates inmates by giving them jobs with feminine names. and lamented that he made fun of such a silly feminist issue in the past.

in other words, in soviet russia, prison wokes you.

Any excuse to link the best Christmas song ever written.

what the fuck


That’s very confused.

The Phi Mu music fraternity guys made a giant rectangular snow monolith in our quad, and the Sig Eps made a 6’ tall penis. Me and a bunch of the guys on my floor of the dorm went out and took baseball bats and golf clubs to the Phi Mu monolith. We left the penis alone out of respect.

The monolith was surprisingly hard to destroy. We only managed to dent it. And of course I was the only one who got caught. I had a semi-buddy in the Phi Mus who never forgave me. He said it was a yearly tradition. No way you get that much highly-packable snow every year buddy.

That monolith made the quad soggy until April.

/old man story

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Ok well we’re back and it’s exactly what I feared

So, trump hates? Christmas?

Do I have that right?

Can we get Ben Garrison to label that thing and dump it down a bit? I’m clearly not smart enough to follow.

Does this make sense to you now?


Now I get it!

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